Video: The Orthodox Church destroyed on 9/11 wants their church built

Video: The Orthodox Church destroyed on 9/11 wants their church built September 2, 2010

A little while ago I put up a video about the controversial mosque that was being put up near ‘ground zero’ in New York. In it a bunch of leaders lined up to talk about how the right of the muslim community to build there.

This brought up an interesting issue. There was a Orthodox Church that was destroyed in 2001 in the 9/11 attacks that still has not been rebuilt. I thought it would be fair to post a conversation about it that Al Kresta had yesterday with someone closely related to this matter, Nicholas Karacostas.

There are apparently some major issues that have come up with the port authority.

Christine Quinn began her speech a few weeks ago by calling people who resisted the building of the “ground zero mosque” as “Unamerican.” At the time I thought that the rhetoric is extreme and uncalled for. In light of this story it just make me sad. If we are to take Michael Bloomberg’s speech about religion and freedom seriously it needs to be implemented more broadly. I hate seeing violent rhetoric used to support one group, but then nothing being done to support another.

Both the mosque and the church have the right to exist…

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