The Spirituality of Infertility

The Spirituality of Infertility March 11, 2013

Infertility is a major theme in the scripture. In many ways it highlights many of the struggles that come along with faith. God often shows up, not in monumental demonstrations of his power to the world but in the creation of life in the barren womb. It is arguably the greatest of all miracles, while being at the same time remarkably natural. Although I have been blessed with a son, this blessing has only heightened my sensitivity for people who are unable to have children. This week I ran into a fantastic article by Timothy P. O’Malley on the struggle through infertility. Here’s a highlight:

Sometimes, I allow myself to daydream either about one day getting a phone call from our adoption agency or receiving news that Kara is pregnant.  This moment would undoubtedly be the happiest of my life, full of a grace that human words would express only in a stutter at best…   Of course, such a moment may never come.   Nothing in a human life is promised.   It’s why learning to pray through infertility has been akin to learning to see the possibility of grace, never the guarantee.  Otherwise, would such moments be grace, a total gift, in the first place?  So we stand waiting for Gabriel.  Learning to hear the angel’s voice in new ways.

Take time to read the rest. Remarkable. Thank you so much for sharing Timothy!

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