Followers of Jesus

Followers of Jesus January 27, 2009

I created a webpage check it out

It’s a social network for local churches, Christians, and communities.

Though this page I hope to achieve three main goals:

First Cooperation
On this page we can share about opportunities to serve the poor, prayer groups, mission trips, service projects and much more. We can start to work together and achieve more. Get involved by posting events and going to events that other churches are hosting!

Second Conversation
I have set up a number of forums here to facilitate conversation. So often I have felt cut off from the community. I heard about Christians around the world, but had little contact with those in my own neighborhood. Hopefully this network can help change that. Get involved by posting Videos, and pictures. Or become active on the forums.

Third Connection
I want people to make friends here. This is a good place to meet new people, build relationships with friends you already have and discover groups with similar interests. Get involved by adding friends, leaving messages, and creating groups for your interests (musicians, artists, bikers, etc…)

I hope you can join me in really making an effort to contribute to this online community and get involved with the events and groups here!

I believe this network can change our city if we all work together. Help make this work! Contribute to the community.

Grace and Peace!
-Billy Kangas

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