Walmart Cops & Caitlyn Jenner: PC or Civility?

Walmart Cops & Caitlyn Jenner: PC or Civility? October 31, 2015

Who knew that Walmart maintains a “Trust and Safety Compliance Team” dedicated to policing and frequently removing products that are obviously offensive? Well, they just yanked a Caitlyn Jenner halloween costume from store shelves!

Bruce Jenner was a childhood hero of mine. The Olympic drama, gold medals, his image on the Wheaties box, and so forth. I would not script her recent transformation from male to female, but I don’t want to see her dragged through the mud and mocked at the doorsteps of tens of thousands of residences this Halloween eve. Some would call this political correctness but I think this is just common civility. I’m glad Walmart pulled the Jenner costume, the Arab nose, and the Little Amigo costumes. They all demean. PC or civility? I’ll give Walmart the benefit of the doubt. I’m interested in applauding civility wherever I can.

If you’re stone cold to the idea that the Jenner costume should be pulled for civility’s sake then shift gears to a Mormon hypothetical that would likely hit closer to home. What if there was a demeaning costume that allowed adults and children to dress up as President Thomas S. Monson? It really demeaned him with anti-Mormon glee. Let’s say it went viral and Walmart could sell a hundred thousand such costumes. Would you be troubled if Walmart cried foul in that case? Would you call that PC gone off the rails? Either would I. It would just be the civil thing to do. Here’s the Salt Lake Tribune article. Read it and see what you think.

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