May 24, 2024

Are you involved in sports, business, or other forms of competition? Jesus and Lao Tzu show how you can win by non-competition.  The famous martial artist Bruce Lee, actor onscreen and instructor offscreen, knew something about winning. He did so with ease, but not by forcing his way like an iron weapon. Instead, he encouraged people to become like water. “Empty your mind,” he said. “Be formless, shapeless, like water. You put water into a cup; it becomes the cup.... Read more

May 22, 2024

We like to think that God doesn’t change. Malachi has God saying, “I the Lord do not change.” This sounds good—until God changes God’s Mind. It’s comforting to believe that God is the same, yesterday today, and forever. When the world feels unstable, it helps to believe in the One Supreme Being who’s in charge of it all. We love to sing hymns about God’s unchangeable nature because we enjoy the sense of permanence and stability. But what happens when... Read more

May 20, 2024

Ever had a spiritual experience that upon reflection, you wondered if it was all in your head? Neurotheology attempts to answer this. In a May 14, 2024 edition of NPR’s On Point, journalist Meghna Chakrabarti interviews Dr. Andrew Newberg. As Director of Research at Marcus Institute of Integrative Health and a professor at Thomas Jefferson University and Hospital, Newberg studies human brain activity during spiritual encounters. In the interview, Newberg discusses brainwave patterns collected from people across the religious spectrum,... Read more

May 16, 2024

What does Jesus mean when he talks about eternal life? The Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu provides a clue. Both claim that we are immortals. For Lao Tzu, when a person lets go and becomes completely fulfilled, they come into alignment with the infinite, eternal Tao. Their life takes on an unlimited quality, not a limitless quantity. This kind of never-ending life doesn’t fall prey to a false assumption that human beings can escape death. Lao Tzu’s immortality means more than... Read more

May 13, 2024

Religion is meant to support you like the sea floating a boat. But sometimes religion gets stormy. Is there a way to survive the storm? Jesus is a disrupter. He overturns the tables of ideology, refuses to participate in empire, and dismantles the dominant worldview. By contrast, religion as usual offers easy answers, a status quo, and a patriotic piety that makes people easy to control. No wonder so many people take the wide and easy path of religion, instead... Read more

May 9, 2024

What if Jesus and Lao Tzu celebrated Mother’s Day? They would agree that universal and cosmic wisdom is best represented by motherly love. Jesus, the embodiment of wisdom and incarnation of the Tao, said, “How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings.” He utilized mother imagery to depict God’s gathering and protecting love. Bending traditional gender roles, the apostle Paul echoed Jesus’s feminine love, saying, “We were gentle among... Read more

May 6, 2024

Cities like Grants Pass, Oregon are making unsheltered homelessness illegal. But here are six reasons why shelters won’t solve the problem. In my last article, “6 Things You Can Do at Home That are Illegal if You’re Homeless,” I discuss the Supreme Court case, Grants Pass versus Johnson. That city has targeted public camping, among other behaviors of unsheltered individuals, in an attempt to criminalize homelessness itself.  In a New York Times interview, Abbie VanSickle, correspondent to the Supreme Court... Read more

May 2, 2024

Should homelessness be made illegal? Cities everywhere are cracking down. Here are six bad reasons why towns are jailing unhoused people. An April 19 New York Times interview with Supreme Court correspondent Abbie VanSickle says that cities across the US are cracking down on homelessness. Working as I do with an unsheltered population in Washington State, this comes as no shock to me. Our homeless population has surged, prompting a backlash from municipalities. The New York Times sheds light on... Read more

April 29, 2024

I remember May Day celebrations as a child—a festooned pole in the schoolyard, with children dancing around it. How did this get started? As Christianity expanded from the Roman Empire into Celtic lands, it encountered religious practices it did not understand. This earth-based spirituality predated Roman Catholicism by hundreds, if not thousands, of years. When missionaries strategized to convert the “heathen” inhabitants, they determined the best way was to adopt and adapt indigenous practices into the Church. This series, “Christian... Read more

April 25, 2024

“Pain is inevitable,” said a friend in A.A., “but suffering is optional.”  Pain is sensation. Suffering is your attitude towards pain. I work with people who struggle with addiction. I have family and friends in recovery. So, I’ve learned that many of the slogans I took for granted come from twelve-step programs. “One day at a time.”  “Easy does it.”  “Live and let live.”  “First things first.”  But this new one haunted me… “Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.”  ... Read more

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