Gimme a P-L-G-R-M! What does it spell?

Gimme a P-L-G-R-M! What does it spell? May 21, 2012

Well apparently Landon Whitsitt and crew did not get the memo that paper is dead 😉 So why the heck did I just donate a little bank to help kickstart this new quarterly magazine?

Because I have a heart for people leaping out in faith in order to change the world for the better and PLGRM sounds freaking awesome.

PLGRM . . . is a quarterly magazine – which WILL be published in electronic and paper form – that explores the people and ideas associated with the “new spiritual awakening” as suggested by Diana Butler Bass in her book, Christianity After Religion: The End of Church and the Birth of a New Spiritual Awakening.

PLGRM . . . shines a spotlight on the lives and interests of those no longer satisfied with Modern Christianity as they search for a more authentic spiritual expression.

PLGRM . . . is bold and principled, unafraid to take firm stances on dicey issues.

PLGRM . . . explores inter-religious/inter-spiritual ideas and practices, the work and convictions surrounding creation care, and in the pursuit of peace and equality (with particular focus on combating violence, poverty, and oppression).

PLGRM . . . celebrates a variety of voices – some humorous, some painful, some cutting, some joyful; voices that share an earnestness that this journey towards a new spiritual awakening is vital and must be taken seriously.

PLGRM . . . has been created to inspire the spiritually dissatisfied to begin crafting new structures of their religious and spiritual existence.

You are not alone. Join others on this PLGRM journey.

You can do your own Googling, but here is a list of the first issue contributors: Theresa Cho, Jake Hofmeister, Lia School, Alexis Meyers, Kerri Allen, Carol Howard Merritt, Shawna Bowman, Ryan Kemp-Pappan, Rocky Supinger, Douglas Hagler.

If you want to help fund PLGRM with a Kickstarted Donation today click [HERE].

And here’s a little video from Landon.

[wpvideo V8SBU6Hf]

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