Bummed by the End of SFGate’s “City Brights” Blog

Bummed by the End of SFGate’s “City Brights” Blog August 12, 2012

What seems like a million years ago – actually just three years – I was asked to be part of a new blogging group on SFGate, the online presence for the San Francisco Chronicle. The description of this new endeavor, The City Brights Blog, was:

We live in an area that has more than its share of luminaries. We’re talking about our public figures, the recognized experts in their fields (from science to the arts), and the local notables that make the Bay Area what it is. SFGate has reached out to a number of these personalities, and we’re very excited to have so many of them contributing to our Web site. They add to the diversity of local voices and opinion on our site and will deepen the connection that we have with our community.

Photo by vanz on Flickr

Recently we were notified that City Brights was to be discontinued, so I bid a fond farewell to my dear City Brights family.

*tear* *sniffle* *tear*

I am bummed for a couple of reasons. Sure, it gave me a place where I could shill projects and causes that I support, but, more importantly, City Brights was a place for me,  One of THOSE Christians, to be a public expression of faith that is often absent from the public view and engage with local folks about issues large and small: faith, parenting, politics and life in The City. The ending of this blog removes a valuable local connection between San Franciscans of all stripes and I am disappointed that SFGate has chosen to discontinue it. I will miss the numerous electronic and face-to-face interactions with folks who found the blog of great value and a way to connect around issues that many San Franciscan’s care about.

But . . . I think I’ll survive 😉

Now that my final SFGate entry has been posted, I shall deal with change and adapt to new blogging patterns. I’ll probably post a little more on this blog with local San Francisco happenings, so a pre-emptive apology to those not from San Francisco. And for those SFGate readers who have found their way here, welcome, I hope you’ll dive in here as much as you did over on SFGate.

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