When Oma* Comes to Stay…

When Oma* Comes to Stay… March 2, 2010

…All sorts of wonderful things begin to happen! For example:

~Exotic and delicious foods suddenly appear in your refrigerator, such as hearts of palm, olive tapenade, sun dried tomatoes, and jalepeno jelly. We have been eating well for the past week 🙂
~Mommy gets a chance to feed baby in peace while Oma plays with the older kids. Next week I know that I’ll be nursing Caroline in one arm while simultaneously making peanut butter sandwiches for Christopher’s lunch with the other arm and calmly asking my two-year-old to please put the cookies back and come down from the counter!
~Your children will eat more than their fair share of donuts, fruit snacks, and homemade chocolate chip cookies, but the benefits of this unhealthy eating will far outweigh the negatives.
~The ratio of adult to child will be a blessed 1:1 for at least a few days. Soon we will be outnumbered 🙂
My mother has been here to help us with new baby Caroline, and we are relishing every moment! Caroline was born on February 24th at 10:39 p.m., on the eve of her scheduled induction. She weighed in at 7 lbs., 13 oz., and she is doing great so far! This is one of my favorite pictures of the big kids with Caroline – they were “reading” to her on Christopher’s bed 🙂 Thank you to everyone for your fervent prayers, we are truly blessed!
*Oma and Opa are what we call my parents (German for Grandma and Grandpa!)

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