Notes on Natural

Notes on Natural July 1, 2010

Thank you to our many wonderful readers who have offered encouragement and support leading up to the delivery of our fourth precious babe.  As Mary Alice reported last week, our little “MG” arrived a week ago today, weighing in at a healthy 7lbs. 14oz. and giving off a lusty cry to proclaim to the world her grand entrance.

And “grand” it was.  I won’t go into the long and short of my entire labor experience  (if you’d like to partake, you can read more about it here), but I will say it was pretty darn awesome.

To watch one’s body perform just as it was meant to; just as it has for other women from the beginning of time, is a really gratifying experience.  For me, modern medicine tried to interfere, but couldn’t hold a candle to my body’s natural way of bringing forth life.  Everything went just as planned (a few outside hiccups aside!)

As an athlete does before a big game, I prepared.  I “trained”, I meditated, I imagined how it would all look, feel, and transpire.  When it came down to the big event, it happened and I responded.  Mainly, I let my body do what it was meant to do.  And the outcome couldn’t have been better or more gratifying.  We had our healthy baby girl, who was alert, aware, and ready to take on the world!!!

Having a wonderfully supportive husband was key–he provided counterpressure to my hips through every contraction.  Ask him how his arms felt the next day! 🙂  Having a doula was also vital to our success.  She was the extra piece GG and I need to help keep us focused and less distracted by the outside variables of the hospital.

I ended up reading three books recommended by you all (thank you!): Husband Coached Childbirth (Bradley), The Doula Guide to Birth (Lowe and Zimmerman), and The Birth Book (Sears and Sears) all which were immensely helpful and informative.  Never during the labor was I “in the dark” about what was transpiring.  I was in tune with my body because I knew exactly what was going on.  When I felt the urge to push, I knew transition (the most painful part) was almost over.  For a need-to-know kind of gal, I was aware of everything and it all was fantastic!

Lastly, a quick plug for those of you (like me) who might never have considered a natural labor.  I invite you to look into it and be amazed at the process and outcome.  A dear friend of mine just had her third child and first natural delivery and is now such a fan!  And that’s after birthing a 9lb. baby boy!  The joy is contagious!  I could hear her glow through the phone and she’s been riding the high now for two weeks.  What a feat!

We are still reeling after our own wonderful experience and I can’t thank you enough for your support.  Person to person; woman to woman; mother to mother–that’s what this blog is all about.

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