Apps, Music and PodCasts — Techno Catholicism

Apps, Music and PodCasts — Techno Catholicism September 30, 2010

Pope Benedict XVI has encouraged us to use all forms of media for apostolic work, and I love that Mother Church recognizes the potential value of these new technologies.  My own mother is also very much in favor of technology, especially any kind that makes life easier or better.  To that end, in addition to giving PT a Kindle for his birthday, she gave me an iPhone for mine.  I gave my DH an iPad, which he is using to read on the train, listen to music and also watch the Phillies games at night.  This has been a great addition to his life, turning his commute into a nice respite, which is great, since he doesn’t get much downtime.

So far, I have loved the PeaPod app which is letting me do my grocery shopping on my phone, and the St Josemaria app, which has most of the Saints written works, the Navarre bible, a checklist for daily norms, prayers to aid with preparation before and after mass, even a timer for mental prayer times.

Both of these apps are life changing — taking care of my needs for spiritual and material food!

I have also been really loving our local EWTN radio station lately, the great talks and support are uplifting and informative.

However, I am looking for more ways to use my phone to aid in my prayer life, and also life in general, so I was wondering if anyone has some suggestions.  I would like some prayers that I can listen to while I am driving, especially morning prayers for while I am driving to mass, and perhaps some good praise music.

Any kid friendly apps that you are enjoying?  The only one I have used so far is Sprout, but that is just watching TV on the phone, which I don’t really love as a way to spend time.

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