Thoughts for Thursday (Texas Mommy)

Thoughts for Thursday (Texas Mommy) September 23, 2010

What am I cooking?

Mini acorn cakes and mulled cider for the beginning of fall!

What am I reading?

Interior Freedom by Jacques Phillipe

North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell

The Explosive Child by Ross Greene

Simplicity Parenting

Mater et Magistra magazine

The Chosen, by Chaim Potok

And my To Be Read pile on my nightstand is threatening to crush me in my sleep.

What are my weekend plans?

Was hoping to speed across Texas to visit Kat, but that will have to wait for another weekend.

Most likely a visit to the pool. The calendar may say it is fall, but not yet in Texas.

What are my prayer intentions for the day?

Employment for a friend’s husband, safe travels for my parents and JM’s parents this week

What can my children do instead of watching TV?

Build beaver dams in the backyard, though I think they got the idea from watching The Cat in the Hat on PBS…does that count?

What is one product that is making my life a little easier?

Jim Weiss’ audio stories. Between school two times a week and nature class once a week, we are in the car more than we’re used to. We all love these sweet, silly, historical, cultural and interesting stories! Check your local library for copies.

What am I grateful for?

Praying the rosary with a sick two year old nestled in my arms for hours at a time.  He’s at that age when he’s everywhere (unless he’s strapped to my back) so it is such a treat to rock and rock a snuggly little guy and help soothe him.

What have I done for my marriage this week?

Added sausage to the green beans 🙂

What’s challenging me lately?

Having to wake the 2 year old up from his nap twice a week to pick up my son. Neither of us is happy about this, but he won’t go down earlier and it’s too late to put him down when we get back. He is an unhappy camper when I put him in the car.

Something that made me think?

The long-term consequences of inner attitudes are more important than they might seem. When faced with daily suffering, the “burden of the day and the heat,” and tiredness, we should not spend time cursing interiorly or telling ourselves we can’t wait till it’s over or dreaming of a different life. We should just accept things as they are. Life is good and beautiful just as it is, including its burden of suffering….This attitude sets us firmly within reality and conserves energy otherwise wasted on complaining, wishing things were different, dreaming of an impossible world.

from Interior Freedom by Jacques Phillippe…HIGHLY recommended reading!

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