We’re Digging the Dipper!

We’re Digging the Dipper! September 27, 2010

Ladies, I had mentioned the Baby Dipper bowl and spoon set a few weeks ago, and it has been a smashing success in our household!

Pros: Sturdy design; The ability to feed baby with one hand because the bottom really is non-skid; Spoon is just the right shape and size; The slope in the bowl really does make it easier to scoop food!

Cons: The only con that I can think of is that there is no lid available, so if I’m storing leftovers in the fridge I need to use plastic wrap.

What baby products are making your life easier these days?

*For those who are interested, I decided not to purchase the Beaba Babycook – we have a steamer and a blender, so even though it’s more work, I couldn’t justify the purchase.

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