In November

In November November 3, 2010

There is something I find strangely refreshing about the month of November being dedicated to the Holy Souls in purgatory. It is so, so easy to get caught up in all there is to be done at this time of year. There is a whirlwind of planning, gifts, decorating, and baking, all of which can be good and sanctifying, but only if done in the right mindset, with the right intention, for the right reasons. Remembering from where we come and to whom we are going helps keep an eternal perspective amidst the chaotic tumble of the present. Praying for those who have gone before us, those with full assurance of salvation, encourages me to love more right now, to offer small sacrifices to relieve their sufferings. My days in this life are numbered and a lifetime is but a blink in which to know, love and serve God.

I have used this Novena for the Holy Souls in purgatory for several years. The prayers for each day are very moving…a call to contrition, repentance, and firm resolution all with the help of the prayers of those holy souls being purified.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

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