What would you do?

What would you do? May 13, 2011

An acquaintance who is Catholic, married in the church and has asked me for advice about catholic schools and ccd for her children, recently mentioned in a casual conversation that she is considering getting her tubes tied.  I stammered a bit and said, oh, don’t do that, it’s so permanent, but afterwards I felt unsure as to whether I should have said more about the moral problems with sterilization.  On the one hand, it is sort of inappropriate to get into it on the playground, and other hand I feel like if she even remotely knew what a concern this was, she wouldn’t mention it so lightly, and if I don’t tell her the truth, maybe no one will?  I am thankful for the people in my life who taught me about the church teaching on contraception, because without them I wouldn’t have the marriage and children that I have, but I don’t want to scare people or seem judgmental.


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