No Attitude, Just Gratitude

No Attitude, Just Gratitude June 14, 2011

Man, did I need a boost this morning. I was a regular, old crab apple upon waking. The kids felt it as I was annoyed during breakfast. GG felt it as I was frantic, trying to get him and M out the door for their morning. Ugh. I felt awful.

In steps my Adrenaline workout this morning. It was fun, social, and endorphin-rich. Thank you, Lord, because you know I need friends and health to remind me of who I am.
In steps the Christian music playing on the radio. Thank you, Lord, because you know the words I need to hear.
In steps the coffee I consumed on the way out of the gym. This is always beyond helpful. Thank you, Lord, because you grace me with the extra spring in my step.
In steps these gorgeous blooms outside my window, which my neighbor encourages me to clip and enjoy. Thank you, Lord, because you beautify my world with your creation.
In steps sweet babes, who are forgiving and forgetful and full of life. Thank you, Lord, because you know I cherish second… and third… and fourth chances.
Thank you, dear Lord, because you make all things new.

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