Stroller of my dreams?

Stroller of my dreams? November 10, 2011

For those of you who don’t get bogged down in the minutia of baby gear, you may want to skip this post. But here it goes.

It has been almost 7 years since I have shopped for a stroller.

Our 2005 Bob double jogger broke on Halloween this year. I’m not complaining…it has served me very, very well for the last 6+ years. I contacted the company and it looks like it may not be worth our while to repair it.

I would LOVE to replace our BOB dualie (which I loved, but didn’t fit in many indoor places) and our Combi twin (which I hated, but fit through doors) with one double stoller that can be used for running and for getting into normal doors at the doctors office.

To that end, I have scoured the internet for the last 3 days trying to find a front-to-back jogging stroller that has big wheels for mild off-roading (like the trails at our nature center). Front to back is ideal b/c I can separate our big boy from whoever else is riding and if I’m running with one, it wouldn’t feel so off balance.

I thought the Phil and Teds would meet all my criteria, but AWOL told me that I can’t really run with it…maybe ok for jogging, but not for running 8 minute miles. I love that I could push the BOB with almost 100 pounds of kids in it while full out running with no problem.

Does anyone have any skinny double jogging stroller suggestions? Does my dream stroller exist?

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