Thoughts on baby food?

Thoughts on baby food? October 7, 2013

I apologize in advance for having two posts in a row about feeding a baby, but it is an important topic in my life right now! I’m sure one of the Builders has written about this at some point and I missed it when I was a reader (maybe not?), but I’m looking for some feeding advice. As I wrote here I am still nursing (hooray!) and will continue doing so hopefully for several more months. Even so, we have started Pia on some baby food here and there and though we are not jumping headlong into feeding her full meals, we want her to get used to different tastes and textures (plus it’s helping her sleep better! Sign me up!).

Here’s the rub: while I envisioned making my own baby food when it came to it, a month into this process my initial “I’m just going to get some Gerber to get us started” has never really transitioned into me making anything on a regular basis. I’ll admit it, the convenience is totally sucking me in!

Then there’s been Pia’s reaction. My first attempt made her gag, and because I tried to use our large food processor I was then the proud owner of a ton of gag-worthy puree. I know this was probably just the veggie I chose and I wouldn’t get that reaction always, but still, potentially costly experiments. In theory, I think I would like to puree some of what my husband and I are having at any given meal (as long as it doesn’t contain anything on the “no-list” for babies under a year), but you can’t do that in a large processor. I would also like to have some pre-made fruits and veggies ready to go so that I don’t necessarily have to do this every meal, but, again, don’t want to make a year’s supply.

So I have several questions…first, for those of you who have made your own food, did you buy any special device? This seems slightly high maintenance, but after the attempt above small batches seem more desirable and maybe it’s just necessary? If so, did you go with a simple (and more economical) hand processor/mill or one of the baby food makers? Secondly, any approaches for actually making the food? Have you made batches of different things ahead and reheated or just stuck to serving what the rest of the family is having? Any advice or thoughts are appreciated!

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