Five Best Things about Snow Day #38

Five Best Things about Snow Day #38 February 13, 2014

Today is another snow day. And tomorrow too. And Monday is Presidents’ Day holiday. Yet another five-day winter weekend spent entirely indoors. I don’t know if my children have gone to school more than 3 days during any one week since Thanksgiving. Winter unschooling….

Here are the top five reasons to be happy this morning:

(5) Plenty of time to finish every Christmas-gifted science kit, coloring book, craft set, and activity pack, which will make spring purging that much easier. “A place for everything, and everything in its place…”

(4) A perfect chance to bake Valentine’s heart cut-out-cookies. And then, because it’s too snowy to leave the house to deliver them, eat all 7 dozen. Nothing says Seasonal Affective Disorder like overdosing on sugary carbs while stuck inside for several days with no sunlight.

(3) REALLY excited to check out the coloring page websites that Queen B posted last week. I’ve been looking for a resource like this, and all of my kids will enjoy these. Time to crank up the printer. Until the power goes out.

(2) The kids have extra time to make genuinely thoughtful Valentines for each other and deliver them secretly before tomorrow.

(1) It’s 5 o’clock somewhere. Kidding… but coffee with Bailey’s is a cheery late afternoon treat. Only 32 days until glorious St. Paddy’s Day!

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