July 29, 2008

Happy Baptismal Birthday to our beloved M!! Stone by stone… day by day… cookie by cookie. 🙂 Read more

July 29, 2008

We here at Building Cathedrals have been blessed with an opportunity to become reviewers of material sold by the Catholic Company. The company selected us to receive free books – which we will read and then review here on the blog. While the other bloggers who are members of this reviewer program have single authors, our blog has seven. Thus, the reviews on other blogs may be posted more quickly, but we have decided to do things a little bit... Read more

July 28, 2008

…or the joys of wearing your baby girl in the Ergo baby carrier 🙂 Let me try to explain with the following story: Last Friday afternoon, I just had to get out of the house with the kids. We didn’t have enough time to go to the pool, but it was too hot to be outside without being in the water. And I just needed a break. At the end of a fairly long week, I was craving a little... Read more

July 26, 2008

Today is the feast day of Saints Joachim and Anne, the parents of Mary, and it is also our 5 year wedding anniversary! I have been very sentimental this morning as I reflect on 5 wonderful, busy years with ET and our children, Christopher (our honeymoon baby – you do the math 🙂 ), ^Lucy^ (born and died on 8/17/06), and Maria (10/30/07).  I have always loved having our wedding anniversary on the feast day of Joachim and Anne. St.... Read more

July 24, 2008

As a mother of two young’ns I spend a lot of time in prayer asking our Heavenly Father or the Blessed Mother for help, BUT today I am here to offer a praise! This morning, as I lugged a heavy six month old in an infant seat out to the car, my 3.75-yr-old greeted me with a huge smile from the back seat of the Subaru. She had fully strapped herself into her 5-point car seat harness. All you mothers... Read more

July 23, 2008

My mother arrived last night to help with the pre-baby preparations… What is it that is so amazing about mothers, really?  Just having her here, knowing she’s present is such solace to me.  She knows what I like and dislike.  We laugh at the same things.  She helps me see the humor in my sons’ crazy antics.  She still knows what’s best for me and orders me to take a nap and slow down.  She just gets me in a way that others... Read more

July 23, 2008

In light of Kat’s recent move and comments on Texas pride, I thought I would point out that there were flags of almost every country of the world represented at World Youth Day 2008 in Australia. Including Texas. We saw tons of Texas state flags on EWTN’s coverage! Read more

July 22, 2008

Gelcap, Capsule, or Tablet, I discriminate not Sing me to sleep, oh Tylenol PM “Off” switch on my brain is malfunctioning againSing my mind to sleep, oh Tylenol PM So my husband will be the first to hear the baby monitor all 9 times Sing me into a sound sleep, oh Tylenol PM Traces of you seep into my breastmilkSing me and my nursing baby to sleep, oh Tylenol PM Lover of natural childbirth and natural remedies I am, yet... Read more

July 21, 2008

I’m a little late on this, but apparently there is a 50 point assessment test designed by Cambridge University to assess where an adult falls on the autism spectrum. Those in the autism community consider this a fairly accurate test. Average adult males score at or around a 17, average adult females score at or around a 15. 35 points or highter is associated with Asperger’s Syndrome. I took the quiz and scored a 15, totally average for a female.... Read more

July 21, 2008

Two weeks ago I did a post about Fr. Anthony, our beloved pastor, and the wonderful homily he gave to our parish. Today I’m going to do another shout-out to Father. I figure that we all spend plenty of time complaining about the bad priests out there, why not devote another post to praising the good things our priests do to shepherd the flock. Father has this wonderful little column, Pastor’s Corner, in every bulletin where he instructs the faithful... Read more

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