July 10, 2008

While this blog is not one to promote fast food, I thought this might be fun to pass along anyway. If you dress like a cow and go to Chick-fil-a tomorrow (July 11) you will get a free meal. Chik-fil-a was the ONLY fast food I would eat until we found out that Dash has a peanut allergy and that Chik-fil-a fries in peanut oil. So now it’s off limits for our family anyway. But for those who are always... Read more

July 10, 2008

As a self-proclaimed sports fan, I frequent ESPN’s website for updates on my favorite teams. In the 6 months I have been writing for this blog, I have yet to come across a story that any of you, our readers, would find interesting, or even relevant, to your life. Until today. ESPN did a piece today about Our lady of Perpetual Help Hospice, run by a group of Dominican Nuns. The Hospice sits in the shadows of Turner Field (home... Read more

July 10, 2008

Why is it that everyone’s first instinct, including paid sitters, is to turn on the TV to quiet kids? And what does it take to get people to think of other activities? Is that asking too much? I feel bad being the strict, uptight mom who says no TV, and I feel like I let sitters down or ask too much of them when I request no TV. How do you all keep people from flipping on Caillou (who I... Read more

July 9, 2008

I wish I could tattoo Mary Ellen’s words to my forward, it would avoid so many silly questions. My husband studied conducting in college, and when he told an older friend that I was pregnant again the man actually said “you had better rhythm when you were at Princeton!” http://www.licatholic.org/columns/another%20view.htm Read more

July 9, 2008

Growing up I was forced to attend a class exclusively on manners. We did everything you would expect in a manners class including, I kid you not, walking with books on our head, while wearing frilly socks, no less. As a tomboy, I was horrified at this waste of Saturday mornings! That said, I have finally reached the point where I can say, “Thank you, Mom, for making me do that.” I know what silverware to use when and how... Read more

July 9, 2008

If you are in your first trimester, stop reading immediately. On our block, garbage is only collected once a week, so you have to stay fairly on top of things. For some reason, we have two town trash cans, and I was operating under the assumption that my husband was bringing both cans to the curb every Sunday night. Unfortunately, he was assuming that we were only putting trash into one of the cans. Well, you know what happens when... Read more

July 7, 2008

For all our crunchy mom readers, Rod Dreher has a very interesting review, of the new children’s movie, “Wall-E.” Rod states, What I didn’t expect, what I wouldn’t in a million years have expected, is a Pixar film that embodies a traditionalist conservative critique of modernity, one that advocates a more or less Aristotelian view of humanity and politics. Philosophically, this is one of the most subversive movies I’ve ever seen. Crunchy cons, this movie is for us. He goes... Read more

July 7, 2008

“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” ~The Gospel of Matthew~ Since the arrival of baby Augustine in January, the months have passed quickly but the days of juggling three kids have been long and often full of chaos. About a month ago the dust started to settle, primarily because baby Gus started sleeping through the night. Then the long days of summer hit, and hit hard. From daily swimming lessons... Read more

July 6, 2008

Dear Readers, This is a friendly reminder to install carbon monoxide detectors in your home in the appropriate place(s). My only brother and sister-in-law had life-threatening carbon monoxide poisoning last night/this morning that resulted from sleeping in a poorly-ventilated houseboat. He’s in his final year of medical school, so he recognized their symptoms as carbon monoxide and they made it to the hospital just in time, but I can’t help but think of the rest of us who don’t have... Read more

July 5, 2008

On this day, I think it is important that we take time to Thank God for the life we live in America, where we have the freedom to practice our religion, to make decisions for our family, to work or not to work, to share our thoughts publicly without fear. God Bless America. I would also like to note that while you might not guess it from her profile name, AWOL Mommy has served this country with honor, and continues... Read more

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