June 26, 2014

Our youngest is almost 14 months, a tricky age for weathering Mass.  I find myself getting more and more annoyed with squirming and squealing during church. Tonight, while attending a feast day Mass together as a family, I once again found myself walking in the back of the church with our squirmy squealer.  She squirmed so much in my arms, I finally had to put her down on the ground, feeling more than a bit annoyed. Our daughter hasn’t taken... Read more

June 25, 2014

After making it 4 kids and 9 years with my “Free with registry” umbrella stroller, I find that I need to purchase a new lightweight stroller for the first time. I love our double BOB for running, but at present I am not supposed to carry our 30+ pound 2 year old and I need a small, lightweight stroller that I can use just for  him. I have tended to wear our kids in the ergo until they don’t need... Read more

June 22, 2014

Ladies, I am finally willing to admit that I have entered the middle phase of my life. My life revolves around parenting, house maintenance and hoping to get today’s bills paid before something else breaks tomorrow. All in all, it is a good phase of life, I am happy, and I am making an effort right now to embrace it with dignity and grace. I am of that indeterminate age, somewhere between 35 and 50, and I have noticed that... Read more

June 19, 2014

I am all about structured freedom these days, for myself and for the children. Menu planning and my grocery shopping system have totally changed my life, and more order in other areas has been very liberating.  I will have lots to say in the coming weeks about the new way that we are structuring household chores, but in the meantime, what about a little structure for summer?  I know that summer is the best time for my kids to have... Read more

June 18, 2014

Do you ever go through periods of time when your schedule is so carefully crafted that any unforeseen obstacle threatens to throw everything out of balance? Most of us can probably answer this question with a resounding “yes!”, and some of us might even be feeling this way right now. Personally, our family has a lot going on for the next few weeks: we are in the process of moving, packing, and doing work on our new house, all while... Read more

June 16, 2014

For a somewhat lighthearted read I recently went to our local library and checked out “Bringing Up Bebe”, whichcame out a few years ago and explores how the French parent raise children. Has anyone read it? As a spoiler for those who haven’t (sorry), there is “one way” to parent (or, rather, “educate”) in France. Most chapters conclude that almost all, if not all, French parents do “x” for any number of things, such as introducing food, getting wee little... Read more

June 12, 2014

“In this world you will have trouble, but take heart!  I have overcome the world.” John 16:33   Some days, I find myself perpetually dwelling on the troubles of the moment or what just happened rather than looking ahead.   That was so offensive.  Why is it so hot today?  This traffic is so unpleasant!  If only I had remembered that sooner!  Why didn’t I prepare better?  On such days, I fall behind and often feel full of anxiety, disappointment... Read more

June 11, 2014

Pope Francis recently shared some beautiful thoughts on sports. Red alludes to this often…the great life lessons that we and our children can learn though sports. “Enter into the game with others and with God; do not be satisfied with a mediocre ‘draw,’ but instead give the best of yourself, spend your life for what it is really worth and for what will last for ever.” Teamwork, discipline, effort, inclusiveness. As someone who grew up an athlete and also helped... Read more

June 10, 2014

I remember the day. I remember the feeling of disappointment. My kid was too afraid to go on the merry-go-round. Too frightened to drive the bumper cars. Too overwhelmed to step foot in the little boats that drove in a circle. I was the thrill-seeking mother who rode the Demon Drop at age 5. Was this my kid? How I wish I could beam myself back to that moment, give myself a pat on the back, and remind myself to... Read more

June 9, 2014

Happy Monday!  Our homeschool year is winding down and we will be finished this Friday.  We take about 2 months off every summer to focus on swim team, theatre, and various summer camps.  We will do limited school work, mostly fun supplemental stuff, with children who are home daily.  In years past we schooled 1/2 days for most of the summer, but as time has passed I have found the summer break to be important for my sanity, and that... Read more

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