Online Event: Contemplative Day of Reflection: Kenneth Leech and Pauli Murray, Contemplative Activists for Our Time (June 25, 2022)

Online Event: Contemplative Day of Reflection: Kenneth Leech and Pauli Murray, Contemplative Activists for Our Time (June 25, 2022) June 8, 2022

Join me (Carl McColman) for a special online quiet day of reflection on June 25, 2022. We’ll spend time together in silence, and I’ll share with you some of the wisdom of two of my favorite 20th century theologians: Kenneth Leech and Pauli Murray.

Ken Leech (1939-2015) was a priest of the Church of England, a tireless advocate for social justice, and renowned for his work combating homelessness, racism, and privilege of all kinds. But he was also an authority on contemplative spirituality, one of the leaders of the contemporary spiritual direction movement, and a person of deep integrity and profound prayer. His writing remains one of the strongest voices on the seamless integration of contemplation and action.

Pauli Murray (1910-1985) is renowned as the first woman of color to be ordained a priest in the Episcopal Church, but that singular accomplishment was merely the capstone of a long and distinguished career. She was an early Civil Rights activist, one of the founders of the National Organization of Women, and one of the first activists to articulate the concept of intersectionality: how different types of injustice can “intersect” to create unique problems (and unique opportunities for liberation). Although she was not a public theologian or spiritual teacher like Leech, her sermons and other faith-based writings reveal a deep interior life that can continue to inspire us today.

Our day together will consist of two ninety minute sessions. During each session, we will enter into the silence through a period of Centering Prayer, followed by an overview of the life and teachings of these two remarkable spiritual guides. We’ll finish our session by letting them speak in their words, feasting on their wisdom as inspiration for our own calling as contemplative activists (or active contemplatives) today.

The cost for this retreat day is $25, but if you are an active patron of this website through Patreon, there is no charge.

The quiet day of reflection will take place on Zoom, on June 25, 2022. The first session will be from 10-11:30 AM Eastern USA time. The second session will be from 1:30-3 PM Eastern USA time. The sessions will be recorded for registrants and patrons.

To register, either purchase your ticket by clicking here, or visit to sign up as a Patreon member (this is a recurring subscription, but you can cancel your membership at any time).

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