A Conversation about Mysticism! Kate Rademacher and I talk about “The New Big Book” and other fun stuff

A Conversation about Mysticism! Kate Rademacher and I talk about “The New Big Book” and other fun stuff June 22, 2023

My first interview talking about The New Big Book of Christian Mysticism has been released. It’s embedded above, or you can check it out on Youtube by clicking here.

Kate Rademacher of Writing for Your Life and Compassionate Christianity sat down with me the other day for a Zoom chat about mysticism, theology, spirituality, writing, publishing, and other fun topics. We talked about the proper way to pronounce my last name and what I think is really going on with the (new) title of the book, among many other things. We both enjoyed our conversation, so I hope you’ll like it too!

Kate is herself an author, of books like Reclaiming Rest: The Promise of Sabbath, Solitude, and Stillness in a Restless World and Following the Red Bird: First Steps Into a Life of Faith. Like me, she has a deep love for the contemplative dimension of spirituality, and recognizes the deep wisdom of other faith traditions (especially Buddhism, the faith of her husband) while remaining anchored in her commitment to Christ.

So listen in on our conversation — and then please pre-order your copy of the book today (pre-orders matter; they give the publisher a sense of how much energy to put into promoting the book)! Here are the many ways you can pre-order it…

Meanwhile, if you choose to support this blog through Patreon with a monthly subscription of $20 or more, I’ll send you an autographed copy when it’s published.

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