Church Fathers, Day One Hundred Two: St. Ambrose encourages us to help the Church help others

Church Fathers, Day One Hundred Two: St. Ambrose encourages us to help the Church help others October 31, 2014

saint_ambrose_2Help the Church help others

Do you know someone who needs help, but may be too modest to ask for it? You can give some help yourself, says St. Ambrose, but you can also alert the Church and other organizations that have the resources to give more help.

There are many kinds of generosity. Not only can we distribute and give away food to those who need it from our own daily supply, so that they may sustain life; but we can also give advice and help to those who are ashamed to show their need openly, as long as the common supplies of the needy are not exhausted. I am now speaking of one set over some office. If he is a priest or almoner, let him inform the bishop of them, and not withhold the name of any he knows to be in any need, or to have lost their wealth and to be now reduced to want—especially if they have not fallen into this trouble owing to wastefulness in youth, but because of another’s theft, or through loss of their inheritance from no fault of their own, so that they cannot now earn their daily bread.

St. Ambrose, On the Duties of the Clergy, 2.15


Do I see anyone in need around me that local Catholic charities might be able to help?


Father, keep us all aware of our Christian duty to give to our brothers and sisters from what you have given us.

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