Church Fathers, Day 325: Aphrahat tell us the resurrection is easy for God

Church Fathers, Day 325: Aphrahat tell us the resurrection is easy for God June 11, 2015

The resurrection is easy for God

Aphrahat_1Does the resurrection of the dead seem strangely unlikely? Well, of course, says Aphrahat—God’s miracles should seem marvelous to us. But it’s no big deal for God, who has done much more marvelous things.

Concerning then this resurrection of the dead, dear friends, according to my power I will instruct you.

From the beginning God created Adam—molded him from the dust of the earth, and raised him up. Now if, while Adam did not exist, (God) made him from nothing, how much easier it is now for (God) to raise him up! For see—like a seed he is sown in the earth.

If God did those things that are easy for us, his works would not appear mighty to us. There are among men craftsmen who make wonderful things, and those who are not artificers of the works stand and wonder how they were done; and the work of their fellows is difficult in their eyes. Shouldn’t the works of God be much more marvelous?

But for God this was no great thing, that the dead should be made alive. Be­fore seed was sown in the earth, the earth produced that which had not been cast into it. Before it had conceived, it bore in its virginity. How then is this difficult, that the earth should cause to spring up again what had been cast into it, and after conception should bear?

–Aphrahat, Demonstration on Resurrection, 6


If I’m tempted to doubt the resurrection, does it help to remember the creation?


Father, your Son Jesus Christ died on the Cross to destroy the power of death. Grant that I may share in the glory of his Resurrection.

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