Mary, this is your night, Mary: Day 252

Mary, this is your night, Mary: Day 252 March 29, 2016

jp_2_year_with_mary_backgroundMary, this is your night

These words of Pope St. John Paul II, prayed during an Easter vigil Mass, ask Mary to give us a share in the faith and hope in her Son that sustained her as she waited to see him alive once again.

O Mary,

this is truly your night!

As the last lights of the Sabbath are extinguished, and the fruit of your womb rests in the earth, your heart too keeps watch!

Your faith and your hope look ahead. Behind the heavy stone,

they already detect the empty tomb; behind the thick veil of darkness,

they glimpse the dawn of the Resurrection.

Grant, O Mother, that we too may keep watch in the silence of the night,

believing and hoping in the Lord’s word.

Thus shall we meet, in the fullness of light and life, Christ, the first fruits of the risen,

who reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever.

Queen of Heaven, rejoice, alleluia!

—Pope St. John Paul II


Is there in my life a “heavy stone” or a “thick veil of darkness” beyond which I must look for the Lord with faith and hope? Does Mary’s example inspire me to hold on until the day when my faith and hope are rewarded?


As I wait, my Lord, for the stone to roll away, and for the dawn to break on my darkness, I wait in faith and hope, because your mother waits alongside me.

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