The Joyful Mysteries, Mary: Day 294

The Joyful Mysteries, Mary: Day 294 May 10, 2016

year_with_mary_bartoloThe Joyful Mysteries

Blessed Bartolo Longo, a convert from Satanism who became a Third Order lay Dominican, was called the “Apostle of the Rosary.” Some of his writings form the basis for the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary established by Pope St. John Paul II. Here are his prayers for the Joyful Mysteries.

First Joyful Mystery: The Annunciation. O Mary, immaculate lily, through the joy you felt when at the angel’s message you became the Mother of God: Obtain for me the virtue of purity and of humility, that I may become your worthy son [daughter] and the brother [sister] of Jesus.

Second Joyful Mystery: The Visitation. O Mary, mother of grace and of charity, through the joy you felt when, upon visiting Elizabeth, you brought joy to the home of Zechariah and the Baptist was sanctified at the sound of your voice: Visit my soul, let it hear your motherly voice, and fill it with love of God and love of neighbor.

Third Joyful Mystery: The Nativity. O Mary, mirror of humility and of poverty, through the joy you felt when, turned away by the inhabitants of Bethlehem and forced to take refuge in a stable from the cold and darkness, you gave birth to the divine Redeemer: Grant that by accepting scorn and poverty I remain faithful to grace and gain the reward of eternal salvation by means of good works.

Fourth Joyful Mystery: The Presentation. O Mary, the perfect model of obedi- ence and of sacrifice, you who offered Jesus to the Eternal Father on our behalf: Place your Child upon my bosom so that, together with you, I may offer him the sacrifice of my passions and of my whole being.

Fifth Joyful Mystery: The Finding of Jesus. O Mary, a shining example of patience, through the joy you felt when, after three days of anxiously searching, you found Jesus in the temple: Grant that I too, seeking Jesus with love in every moment of my life in imitation of you, may find him at last in your arms at the hour of my death, never to lose him again. —Blessed Bartolo Longo


Which of the petitions in these prayers most deeply resonate with my current spiritual needs and longings? Which of the mysteries bring me the most joy today?


From a prayer of Blessed Bartolo: O blessed Rosary of Mary, sweet chain which unites us to God, bond of love which unites us to the angels, tower of salvation against the assaults of hell, safe port in our universal shipwreck, we will never abandon you.

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