Long for life with the angels; Angels: Day 253

Long for life with the angels; Angels: Day 253 April 2, 2017

angels_gregory_the_great_3St. Gregory the Great tells us that our time of waiting here is preparing a richer reward for us. When we love God and long for life among the angels, by waiting our love grows even stronger.

“Oh, that I knew where I might find him, that I might come even to his seat!” ( Job 23:3).

Those who love still have to wait, so that, because they have loved and wait- ed, they will have stronger title to the reward. So Almighty God is made sweet to us in miracles, but in his own loftiness he remains hidden from our eyes. Thus, by showing a little of himself, by a secret inspiration he sets us on fire with love for him; but by hiding the glory of his majesty he increases the force of our love for him by the heat of our longing desire.

If the holy man had not wanted to see this Being in his majesty, he certainly would not have brought in the words, “that I might come even to his seat.” For what is the “seat” of God except those angelic spirits who, as Scripture tells us, are called “Thrones”? So whoever wants to come to the seat of God wants nothing other than to be among the angelic spirits, so that he will not be subject to any more weak moments in time, but now will rise up to lasting glory in the contem- plation of eternity.

Nevertheless, these words are also appropriate to the righteous while they are still in this life. When they see anything done against their wish and desire, they turn to the hidden judgments of God to read in them that what seems to happen irregularly on the outside is not arranged irregularly on the inside. When, with the eyes of faith, they see the Creator of all things ruling over the angelic spirits, then they “come to his seat.” –St. Gregory the Great,  Moralia in Job, 16.33


Does my love increase while I wait for my life among the angels?


Send forth your plentiful grace and rich blessing, Lord, and make me worthy of everlasting life among the angelic spirits who make up your throne.


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