Peace which passes angels’ understanding; Angles: Day 356

Peace which passes angels’ understanding; Angles: Day 356 July 14, 2017

angels_augustine_4The peace of  God passes all understanding—not just human understanding, but angels’ as well, says St. Augustine.

Right now, however great our understanding may be, we only see in part, and “through a glass darkly” (1 Cor. 13:12). But when we are equal to the angels of god, we will see face to face, as they do, and we will have peace toward them as great as they have toward us, because we will love them as much as they love us. And so their peace will be known to us. Our own peace will be like theirs, and as great as theirs, and then it will not pass our understanding.

But the peace of God, the peace he cherishes toward us, will undoubtedly pass not only our understanding, but theirs as well. And this must be so. Every intelligent creature that is happy gets its happiness from God; God does not get his happiness from the creature. So in the passage, “the peace of God, which passes all understanding” (Phil. 4:7), it is better to interpret “all” as meaning that there is no exception, not even the understanding of the holy angels. The only exception we can make is God himself—since, of course, his peace does not pass his own understanding. –St. Augustine, Enchiridion, 63


If even angels cannot understand it, certainly I can never completely understand the peace of God. But do I work diligently to sow peace in the Church and in the world?


Lord, your peace passes the understanding even of the angels. Grant that your holy rest and peace may dwell in the four corners of the world, but especially in your holy Catholic Church.

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