Everything takes faith; Church Fathers: Day 076

Everything takes faith; Church Fathers: Day 076 October 8, 2017

st_cyril_of_jerusalem_spotlightSt. Cyril of Jerusalem tells us that faith is by no means an exclusively Chris­tian idea. It takes as much faith to plant a garden as it does to accept the Christian religion.

We Christians are not the only ones for whom faith is very important. Everything that is accomplished in the world, even by those outside the Church, is accomplished by faith.

By faith the laws of marriage bring together those who lived as strangers: because of the faith in marriage contracts, a stranger becomes part of a stranger’s person and possessions.

By faith the farmer keeps at his work, for anyone who did not believe that he would get the harvest would not stand for the hard work.

By faith sailors, trusting to the thinnest board, trade the land—that most solid element—for the restless motion of the waves, committing themselves to uncertain hopes, and carrying with them a faith surer than any anchor.

So by faith most of human affairs are held together. Not only we have this belief, but—as I said—outsiders as well. For if they do not believe the Scriptures, but hold certain teachings of their own, even these they accept on faith. St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Catechetical Lecture 2, 17-19


Do I put as much faith in Christ as I do in the infinitely less certain things of this world?


Father, I know that faith in your word is the way to wisdom. Open my eyes to all your works, and open my ears to your call.

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