Brought near the holy angels; Angels: Day 306

Brought near the holy angels; Angels: Day 306 May 25, 2017

angels_cyril_of_alexandria_1With the Incarnation, says St. Cyril of Alexandria, the Church below is madone with the Church above. Christ has opened Heaven for us, and we have been brought near the angels.

And the Evangelist says that the Heavens were opened, as if they had been closed a long time. For Christ said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see Heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man” ( John 1:51).

Since the flock above and that below have now been made one, and one chief Shepherd is appointed for all, the Heavens were opened, and man on earth brought near to the holy angels. And the Spirit also again came down as if our race were being begun again—upon Christ first, who received it not so much for his own sake as for ours: for by him and in him are we enriched with all things.

So it is very appropriate to the economy of grace that he endures with us the things that belong to the human state: for where else would we see him emptied, who in his divine nature possesses the fullness? How could he become as poor as we are, if he had not been conformed to our poverty? How could he have emptied himself, if he had refused to endure the measure of human littleness?

–Cyril of Alexandria, Commentary on Luke, Sermon 11


If I’m brought near to the angels, is my spirit dressed appropriately for the occasion?


Lord, receive me as I draw near to you, and purify my spirit from every kind of baseness and pollution. May I be pure as the angels in your presence.

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