Pope cancels seminary visit due to minor fever

Pope cancels seminary visit due to minor fever February 28, 2014

Vatican City, Feb 28, 2014 / 11:32 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis cancelled his Feb. 28 visit to the seminary of the Diocese of Rome, because he felt unwell and had a slight fever.

“Pope Francis will not make it to his encounter with seminarians due to his having a slight fever,” Fr. Federico Lombardi, director of the Holy See press office, told CNA.

Fr. Lombardi said the Pope's doctor, Roberto Polisca, recommended that Pope Francis rest, saying, “I think he is doing fine.”

Commenting on the Holy Father’s various commitments through the weekend, the Vatican spokesman said they will monitor how his health improves through the next few hours.

On Friday morning, Pope Francis received in audience the bishop and cardinal participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, the president of which is Cardinal Marc Ouellet.

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