Pope Francis prays at Korean cemetery for aborted babies

Pope Francis prays at Korean cemetery for aborted babies August 17, 2014

Seoul, South Korea, Aug 16, 2014 / 07:44 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- En route from visiting a rehabilitation center in Kkottognae and on his way to meet with Korean religious, Pope Francis stopped and prayed for a few minutes at local cemetery for aborted children.

The Holy Father got out of the Kia Pope Mobile in which he was being transported to pray at this location, accompanied by a Korean Bishop and a priest acting as his translator.

With his hands clasped together, Pope Francis prayed in silence before this cemetery which contains a prominent statue of the Holy Family and a great quantity of white crosses commemorating the children who have been aborted.

In comments to CNA, Kim Doh Woo, a teacher in Kkottognae, explained that “this is the place where we pray for the babies, for those babies that were killed by abortion.”

“Many people visit this place and pray for their baby or for other babies. This cross is not a tomb, but rather it represents the baby’s soul; this is a place of prayer.”

After having prayed at the cemetery, the Holy Father returned to the Pope Mobile and made his way towards the “School of Love” in Kkottognae where he concluded his public schedule with a special encounter with 6,000 Korean religious.

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