March 19, 2016

Denver, Colo., Mar 19, 2016 / 04:37 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- For over 800 years, the heart of St. Laurence O’Toole was preserved in a wooden, heart-shaped box inside an iron cage bolted to a wall in Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin. In 2012, the he... Read more

March 19, 2016

Los Angeles, Calif., Mar 19, 2016 / 06:33 am (CNA).- In his new film, “The Young Messiah,” Director Cyrus Nowrasteh knew that he needed to break the mold when it came to depicting Jesus’ foster-father, St. Joseph. “I think in o... Read more

March 19, 2016

Vatican City, Mar 19, 2016 / 03:49 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The official Instagram account of Pope Francis launched on Saturday with a simple request for his followers: “Pray for me.” The inaugural post, which was translated into nine languages, features a photo of the Pope reverently kneeling in prayer. The post was made after noon under the handle @Franciscus – which is Latin for Francis. Within 30 minutes of going live, the account had more than ten thousand followers.     Pray for me Rezad por mí Pregate per me ???? ?? ???? Priez pour moi Módlcie si? za mnie Rezem por mim Betet für mich Orate pro me A photo posted by Pope Francis (@franciscus) on Mar 19, 2016 at 4:24am PDT   “Instagram will help recount the Papacy through images, to enable all those who wish to accompany and know more about Pope Francis’ pontificate to encounter his gestures of tenderness and mercy,” said Msgr. Dario E. Viganò, prefect of the Secretariat for Communications, in a Vatican statement Friday. The papal Instagram will feature photos from L'Osservatore Romano, as well as short videos, according to the Vatican's March 18 statement. “In this way we can show those aspects of closeness and inclusion that Pope Francis lives every day,” Msgr. Viganò said. He added that the Instagram account was intentionally established during the Year of  Mercy, allowing the Jubilee to enter “into social media in a very concrete and natural way,” reads the March 18 press release. The account launch comes a few weeks after Francis met with Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom at the Vatican. Today @Pontifex met with another major tech-head: Kevin Systrom, co-founder of Instagram. Photo: @oss_romano — Elise Harris (@eharris_it) February 26, 2016 The Pope's Instagram account is his latest engagement with social media, with more than 25 million followers across 9 languages on Twitter alone.    Francis is not the first pope to engage with social media. In December 2012, Benedict XVI inaugurated the @Pontifex Twitter account with the Tweet: "Dear friends, I am pleased to get in touch with you through Twitter. Thank you for your generous response. I bless all of you from my heart." Read more

March 18, 2016

New Orleans, La., Mar 18, 2016 / 04:57 pm (CNA).- Actor and singer Jencarlos Canela will play the role of Jesus in a live musical dramatization of The Passion on Palm Sunday. Only he’s still not sure how. “How do I prepare for the role of ... Read more

March 18, 2016

Santiago, Chile, Mar 18, 2016 / 03:01 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Legislators in Chile's lower house of Congress on Thursday passed a bill decriminalizing abortion in limited circumstances. The bill now passes to the Senate, where analysts believe it may also pass. The March 17 vote in the Chamber of Deputies approved the bill by 66-44. It seeks to legalize abortion in three cases: risk to the life of the mother, non-viability of the fetus, and rape. It also limits abortion to no more than 12 weeks, though it is extended to 14 weeks in mothers under the age of 14. Conscientious objection for doctors on an individual basis was also passed, and health centers that allow abortions to be performed  would be prohibited from advertising. The legislators also approved the possibility of obliging the director of a hospital to make sure that an abortion be performed on any woman over 18 who asked for it following a rape, even if she did not report the rape to police. “This bill is unconstitutional because it violates the right to life,” said Ernesto Silva of the Independent Democratic Union Party (UDI), who voted against the bill. Abortion is currently illegal in Chile under all circumstances. The bill seeking to decriminalize the procedure was introduced by the government of president Michelle Bachelet, of the Socialist Party (PS). “If the state now reneges on its duty to defend life, it won't be able to defend it in its development or in its end,” said Nicolás Monckeber of the National Renewal Party (RN). Jaime Bellolio (UDI) opposed the abortion bill and said that “this debate is of an anthropological nature and is about human dignity; it's from there that our commitments to health and public policy emanate.” “I prefer to be politically incorrect and do what's right … What is just and good doesn't depend on the majority,” he added. Representative Germán Verdugo (RN) said in turn that “they're sowing the seeds of injustice and violence. That's why I will vote against this bill.” Sergio Gahona (UDI) voted against the bill and stated that “I'm going to oppose this bill in its entirety. I would rather lose elections but I will never lose my convictions.” Renzo Trisotti (UDI) likewise said, “You're not going to get me to give legal authorization to kill thousands of defenseless persons.” Read more

March 18, 2016

Rome, Italy, Mar 18, 2016 / 03:00 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- After their seminary in Qaraqosh was dissolved following a brutal ISIS attack in 2014, four Iraqi seminarians chose not to give up after being forced to flee, but to continue their path t... Read more

March 18, 2016

Manila, Philippines, Mar 18, 2016 / 02:34 pm (CNA).- A Filipino cardinal has encouraged Catholics to support this year’s “Earth Hour,” a global environmental campaign that consists of switching off the lights for one hour this Saturda... Read more

March 18, 2016

Vatican City, Mar 18, 2016 / 01:45 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis told members of the Neocatechumenal Way that they have received a great charism to maintain. On Friday he spoke with them about Church unity, how to engage the world, and the difference between worldly and divine glory. “You have accepted the call to evangelize: I bless the Lord for this, for the gift of the Way and for the gift of each of you,” he said March 18 at the Vatican's Paul VI hall. The Church is not “an organization that seeks followers” or a group that merely follows the logic of its ideas, he said. Rather, the Church is “a mother who transmits the life received from Jesus.” “The Church is our mother,” he stressed. “After baptism we no longer live as isolated individuals, but we have become men and women of communion, and we are called to be operators of communion in the world. Because Jesus not only founded the Church for us, but he founded us as Church.” The Neocatechumenal Way was founded in Spain in 1964 by Francisco “Kiko” Argüello and Carmen Hernández. It provides “post-baptismal” Christian formation in small, parish-based communities. The movement claims to have a presence in 900 dioceses in 105 countries, with more than 20,000 communities in 6,000 parishes. Since its foundation, the group has sometimes been cautioned by the Vatican for inserting various novel practices into Masses organized by the movement. These include practices such as lay preaching, the reception of Holy Communion while sitting, and the passing of the Most Precious Blood from person to person. Pope Francis said the Neocatechumenal Way has received “a great charism for the baptismal renewal of life” that can intensify communion with the Church, but warned that “this charism can deteriorate if you close in or if you boast about it, when you want to distinguish yourselves from the others.” He praised “humble and obedient unity” as a way to safeguard their charism. “If there is this, the Holy Spirit continues to operate, just as it did in Mary, who was open, humble and obedient,” he said. Pope Francis reflected that the fruitfulness of the Church “is expressed through the ministry and the guidance of Pastors.” The institution of the Church's pastors “is in fact a charisma,” he reflected, because it is “rooted in the same source, which is the Holy Spirit.” The Pope encouraged the Neocatechumenal Way to quench their thirst from the fountain of the Holy Spirit while showing “delicacy and respect” for the whole Church, “because all grow together, harmonious and faithful.” He reflected on Christ's prayer that his followers be “brought to perfection as one,” as he is one with God the Father. “It is his last request before the Passion, the most heartfelt: that there be communion in the Church. Communion is essential.” The Pope warned against specific temptations that harm the Church. “God’s and man’s enemy, the devil, is no match for the Gospel. He cannot compete against the humble power of prayer and the Sacraments, but can do much harm to the Church by tempting our humanity,” the Pope continued. “The devil provokes pride, being judgmental of others, he causes closures and divisions. He himself is 'the divider” and often starts off by making us believe that we are good, perhaps better than others: thus the land is ready for the sowing of discord. It is the temptation of all communities and can it can insinuate itself even in the most beautiful charism.” Pope Francis reflected on the “new glory” of Christ. While worldly glory comes from secular importance, admiration, and success, God’s glory is revealed on the Cross. This glory “shines out” and wins no gain or applause. “This is the only glory that makes the Gospel fruitful,” the Pope said, adding that the Church is fruitful only when it imitates God’s merciful love. “It is humble, it’s like the rain on the earth, like the air we breathe, like a small seed that bears fruit in silence.” God so loved the world that he sent his Son, Pope Francis recalled from the Gospel of John. “He who loves does not stay away, but goes towards,” he said. “God is not attracted by worldliness, in fact, he detests it; but he loves the world he has created, and he loves his children in the world, just as they are, wherever they live, even if they are ‘far away’.” “Show the children the tender gaze of the Father and consider the realities you will encounter as a gift,” he continued. He encouraged the Neocatechumenal Way members to become familiar with local cultures and languages and respect local customs, “recognizing the seeds of grace which the Spirit has already spread.” If the good news of the Gospel is not at the forefront, he warned, “faith risks becoming a cold and lifeless doctrine.” The Pope also thanked the Neocatechumenal Way for their efforts to evangelize as families,  calling this “a proclamation of life” and “a beautiful witness.” Read more

March 18, 2016

Vatican City, Mar 18, 2016 / 01:45 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis told members of the Neocatechumenal Way that they have received a great charism to maintain. On Friday he spoke with them about Church unity, how to engage the world, and the difference between worldly and divine glory. “You have accepted the call to evangelize: I bless the Lord for this, for the gift of the Way and for the gift of each of you,” he said March 18 at the Vatican's Paul VI hall. The Church is not “an organization that seeks followers” or a group that merely follows the logic of its ideas, he said. Rather, the Church is “a mother who transmits the life received from Jesus.” “The Church is our mother,” he stressed. “After baptism we no longer live as isolated individuals, but we have become men and women of communion, and we are called to be operators of communion in the world. Because Jesus not only founded the Church for us, but he founded us as Church.” The Neocatechumenal Way was founded in Spain in 1964 by Francisco “Kiko” Argüello and Carmen Hernández. It provides “post-baptismal” Christian formation in small, parish-based communities. The movement claims to have a presence in 900 dioceses in 105 countries, with more than 20,000 communities in 6,000 parishes. Since its foundation, the group has sometimes been cautioned by the Vatican for inserting various novel practices into Masses organized by the movement. These include practices such as lay preaching, the reception of Holy Communion while sitting, and the passing of the Most Precious Blood from person to person. Pope Francis said the Neocatechumenal Way has received “a great charism for the baptismal renewal of life” that can intensify communion with the Church, but warned that “this charism can deteriorate if you close in or if you boast about it, when you want to distinguish yourselves from the others.” He praised “humble and obedient unity” as a way to safeguard their charism. “If there is this, the Holy Spirit continues to operate, just as it did in Mary, who was open, humble and obedient,” he said. Pope Francis reflected that the fruitfulness of the Church “is expressed through the ministry and the guidance of Pastors.” The institution of the Church's pastors “is in fact a charisma,” he reflected, because it is “rooted in the same source, which is the Holy Spirit.” The Pope encouraged the Neocatechumenal Way to quench their thirst from the fountain of the Holy Spirit while showing “delicacy and respect” for the whole Church, “because all grow together, harmonious and faithful.” He reflected on Christ's prayer that his followers be “brought to perfection as one,” as he is one with God the Father. “It is his last request before the Passion, the most heartfelt: that there be communion in the Church. Communion is essential.” The Pope warned against specific temptations that harm the Church. “God’s and man’s enemy, the devil, is no match for the Gospel. He cannot compete against the humble power of prayer and the Sacraments, but can do much harm to the Church by tempting our humanity,” the Pope continued. “The devil provokes pride, being judgmental of others, he causes closures and divisions. He himself is 'the divider” and often starts off by making us believe that we are good, perhaps better than others: thus the land is ready for the sowing of discord. It is the temptation of all communities and can it can insinuate itself even in the most beautiful charism.” Pope Francis reflected on the “new glory” of Christ. While worldly glory comes from secular importance, admiration, and success, God’s glory is revealed on the Cross. This glory “shines out” and wins no gain or applause. “This is the only glory that makes the Gospel fruitful,” the Pope said, adding that the Church is fruitful only when it imitates God’s merciful love. “It is humble, it’s like the rain on the earth, like the air we breathe, like a small seed that bears fruit in silence.” God so loved the world that he sent his Son, Pope Francis recalled from the Gospel of John. “He who loves does not stay away, but goes towards,” he said. “God is not attracted by worldliness, in fact, he detests it; but he loves the world he has created, and he loves his children in the world, just as they are, wherever they live, even if they are ‘far away’.” “Show the children the tender gaze of the Father and consider the realities you will encounter as a gift,” he continued. He encouraged the Neocatechumenal Way members to become familiar with local cultures and languages and respect local customs, “recognizing the seeds of grace which the Spirit has already spread.” If the good news of the Gospel is not at the forefront, he warned, “faith risks becoming a cold and lifeless doctrine.” The Pope also thanked the Neocatechumenal Way for their efforts to evangelize as families,  calling this “a proclamation of life” and “a beautiful witness.” Read more

March 18, 2016

Bangkok, Thailand, Dec 27, 2016 / 08:23 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- An American group of cloistered nuns has opened a new monastery to bring their contemplative spirituality to the northeast of Thailand. “Our contribution to the world’s need is p... Read more

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