NFL Opts to Forego Superbowl and Keep Scheduling Playoffs

NFL Opts to Forego Superbowl and Keep Scheduling Playoffs February 2, 2022

Given the way playoffs have finished the past few weeks, it might be more profitable for the NFL as a whole, to embrace this sort of marketing.   Sudden Death This weekend and everyone to come…until Opening Day of Baseball!

Kickers are becoming the superstars of this new sporting world, kicking field goals sixty plus yards, blind folded, in minus fifteen degrees with a seventy-mile per hour wind and a full pass rush.  Short of having drones airdropping receivers into coverage and celebrities lighting themselves on fire for the half time, these playoff games have had everything including Tom Brady announcing his retirement.

One has to wonder what he’ll do with all that spare time. Maybe he’ll warrant a full commercial spot for Subway now or become the room parent for his kids’ Jack, Brady and Vivian. Can you imagine getting a phone call from the former NFL Quarterback, “I need two dozen red velvet cupcakes for the Monday class party. Can I count on you?” Grateful Fantasy Football players would line up with Iron Chef quality treats for the years of stats he put up.

While not know for his footwork, Tom could maybe attempt to prove he’s still nimble on his feet in “Dancing with the Stars.”  In the meantime, he could prank call the Patriot’s Bill Belichick every hour on the hour on Superbowl Sunday to say, “You’re not there either.” Bonus if he does it from the 50 yard line executive box seats. As for side hustles, he could open up a Karaoke Broadway Bar with franchises in New York and L.A. Invite other retired NFL greats to show up for surprise sessions to battle it out with fans. Who wouldn’t pay to see Eli Manning belting out, “We don’t talk about Bruno…”

However Tom needs a long term project, and none of those with play calling jobs look like they’re going anywhere soon so I’m thinking,  float out candidacy for President with the slogan, “No one handles a football, not even a nuclear one, better than me.”  He could also ref…now that might make for real entertainment.  Who wouldn’t watch?  It could open up a whole new layer of meta-enjoyment for the fans…and since the NFL is all about money, think of the bets on the calls themselves.   The problem with being Caesars, is you can bet there are at least 12 people annoyed with whatever decision has been made…just ask the original.

In the meantime,  the battle between LA and Cincinnati looms.  I’m not really rooting for anyone, but we’ll be watching.   They might rerun a playoff if it gets dull.

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