A Call For Writers

A Call For Writers February 16, 2012

Think you’ve got what it takes to write for Christ and Pop Culture?

We’re looking for some new writers who feel confident and excited about writing about the intersection of the Christian faith and popular culture. While we are open to applications from all capable writers, we are especially interested in writers who specialize in sports, politics, television or pop music. Here are some things we’re looking for from prospective writers:

  • A commitment to evangelical theology. That is, the infallibility of scripture, justification by faith alone, original sin, the historicity of the crucifixion and resurrection, etc.
  • An interest in popular culture. That is, a love for the mediums of film, music, television, books,  video games, etc. or the goings on within the cultural sphere.
  • A reason to take you seriously. We would like those writing to have some experience that contributes to our site. We’re pretty lenient about this. We are excited about taking on new writers! We still need a reason to take you seriously. Make your case.
  • An example of your previous writing about something similar to what you read here. If you have a blog or website, give us the link to it.

Each writer will be expected to write a weekly column and a monthly feature, as well as take regular part in our community and post occasional smaller posts. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, just email us at christandpopculture@gmail.com (please make the subject: “Writing App”) with information about yourself, three examples of your work (via a link or copy/pasted into the email), and a brief description of your most valued theological beliefs.

If you have any further questions, feel free to email or leave a comment.

We don’t provide monetary compensation, but we do provide the opportunity to be a part of a gifted team of writers who are interested in making a great site about the things they love. Many of our writers have gone on to write for Paste, Relevant, Kill Screen, Filmwell, Think Christian, and many other outlets. Christ and Pop Culture is in the middle of an exciting time of growth, and now is a great time to join us!

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