5 Best Daily Devotionals For Christians To Sign Up For

5 Best Daily Devotionals For Christians To Sign Up For August 10, 2015

Here are 5 great daily devotionals for Christians to sign up for that will help you daily walk with Christ.

Daughters of the Creator

Daughters of the Creator is an excellent Christian daily devotional that is focused primarily on the woman of God. Crystal McDowell is a writer, speaker, teacher, and mother of five and writes this daily devotional specifically for women but men can certainly gain much from this devotional too in the sense that they can learn more about the values, perspectives, hopes, and desires of the Christian woman who might be a mother, single woman, grandmother, and wife. Crystal and her husband of 22 years raise their five children in the Midwest. She writes with a passion to encourage women with Biblical truths. As a freelance writer for over 12 years, Crystal has written numerous Christian curricula for Sunday school and VBS as well as many articles dealing with marriage, motherhood, and relationships so Crystal is well versed in Scripture and their daily application for women of faith. I encourage you to sign up for weekly words of encouragement for women of God on Daughters of the Creator that I have personally read and thoroughly enjoyed.

In Touch Ministries

Dr. Charles Stanley is among my favorite pastors and Bible teachers and so you can trust his daily devotionals at In Touch Ministries Daily Devotionals to be rock solid and uplifting as any I could find. He has been the senior pastor of the First Baptist Church of Atlanta since 1971 and his experience and education is second to none as far as I am concerned. His In Touch radio and TV programs are among the top ranked Christian broadcasts in the nation. He has written numerous books and was president of the Southern Baptist Convention in the 1980’s. Dr. Stanley’s devotionals touch on all aspects of the Christian’s daily living that I believe will help strengthen their faith.


Rhetorical Jesus

Rhetorical Jesus is a daily devotional and is based upon Jesus’ teaching techniques where He would often answer a question with a question as the Master Teacher He was while here on earth. The questions in this devotional challenge the reader to search the Scriptures themselves to see how they might answer this question if Jesus were asking them personally. These daily devotional rhetorical questions make the believer have to think for themselves and direct the readers to find the answers in the Bible where the true source of all truth is found. Greater teachers have always known that when asked a question, they answer with a question so that the student can find the answer themselves which helps them to become a self-feeder on the Word of God instead of being spoon-fed by others.

Christian Quotes

Christian Quotes is a daily devotional where you can sign up for free devotionals that are sent directly to your email inbox. These daily devotionals are based upon famous quotes by well-known Christians like Harry Ironside, C.S. Lewis, Charles Swindoll, Zig Ziglar, Randy Alcorn, Max Lucado, and Billy Graham but also quotes of Scripture from the authors of the Bible like Matthew, Paul, John, and many from the Old Testament as well. This devotional breaks down the famous Christian quotes or Scripture into three to five paragraphs where the reader can see biblical application to the quote or Bible verse. It helps the Christian grow in the grace and knowledge of the Word of God as we’re commanded to (2nd Pet 3:18). It gives them a daily feast of the bread of life, the Bible, and allows you to take God’s Word with you every single day of your life.

Love Worth Finding

Love Worth Finding Daily Devotionals come from the late Dr. Adrian Rogers (1931-2005), the well-known pastor and author. Dr. Rogers served three terms as the president of the Southern Baptist Convention. He was also a Southern Baptist pastor whose church services aired on television. This man’s radio program, Love Worth Finding, is also among the very highest rated Christian programs as he gives expository Bible messages that are extremely relevant to the Christian’s faith. They help to encourage, exhort, and edify the listener for the upcoming day and they are so biblically solid that few Bible teachers and pastors I have known of over the last fifty years can come even close to this man’s gift of teaching, preaching, and writing.


I think we all need to have our daily bread and these five daily devotionals are guaranteed to fill you up with the bread that can sustain you throughout the day. They can help give you a Christian perspective, no matter what you do for a living. These are among the most popular daily devotionals you can find because they are among the best and after having read their daily devotionals, I believe you will be able to do what the psalmist said that he did; that is to hide God’s Word in your heart so that you might not sin (Psalm 119:11).

Article by Jack Wellman

Jack Wellman is Pastor of the Mulvane Brethren church in Mulvane Kansas. Jack is also the Senior Writer at What Christians Want To Know whose mission is to equip, encourage, and energize Christians and to address questions about the believer’s daily walk with God and the Bible. You can follow Jack on Google Plus or check out his book  Blind Chance or Intelligent Design available on Amazon.

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