A Word from The LORD

A Word from The LORD November 25, 2014

Mark 13 for America Today

You want to stop violence? Stop poverty and racism America . You want to stop poverty? Stop spending so damn much money on the military. Stop spending so damn much money militarizing local police forces. Stop spending so much money on teaching people how to fight and start spending money teaching people how to change their minds, how to be peacemakers, how to be community builders.

You say you don’t want the violence but every action you take America is a run up to conflict and war. You say violence is wrong but you spend insane amounts of money preparing for it and pre-emptively delivering it. You say that violence is wrong unless, of course, it is administered by your faithful, lawful and righteous hands.

America, listen to me: If you live by the gun and the bomb, you will die by the gun and the bomb. Your end will be like that of the ancient city of Jerusalem and your house uninhabited and uninhabitable.

Turn and change your ways my beloved country.

Turn and change the way you think. Learn to be proactive rather than reactive.

And if you claim to be a Christian, if you claim to follow Jesus, then PUT DOWN YOUR GUNS. Jesus time and again refused the sword as a solution so you also, who claim to follow him, must also unload your guns and lay them aside. There is no place for weapons in the Kingdom of God. Zero. Zilch. Nada. None. No place at all, at any time, under any circumstance.

If you go to church, and claim at all to follow Jesus you cannot, ever, in any way, incite violence.

If you go to church, and claim at all to follow Jesus you cannot, ever, in any way, carry a weapon on behalf of Empire.

Jesus’ way is NOT the way of violence. Jesus’ way is not the way of Empire. Jesus’ way is not the way of violent revolution.

There will come and already are, False Prophets who claim the tongues of angels but whose words are those of serpents. They will tell you Jesus is OK with your guns and your self-defense. Do not listen to them. They will only lead to your ruin and destruction. They are infected with the Disease of Empire and they do not know the Abba of Jesus. They will claim signs and wonders to seduce you. They will claim you have a divine right to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Rights are for idols. Real divinity, LOVE, lets go of all rights, surrenders all rights, does not grasp at rights.

If you think otherwise the Hell you are going to get is one of your own creation. Don’t end up in Hell, where roaming packs of dogs prowl the rubble in the streets and disease and rotting corpses are everywhere.

Stop the Violence! Stop the Madness! Stop the Retribution. There is no other way. The alternative is anarchic apocalyptic annihilation.

Can you hear me America? Please wake up. Your Dream is becoming a Nightmare. If you do not wake up your Nightmare will become your Reality.

I weep for you my beloved country, my precious people.

Please, please wake up and change your ways before it is too little too late.

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