Are Trump’s Acts Toward Christians Protecting or Pandering

Are Trump’s Acts Toward Christians Protecting or Pandering September 4, 2024

It’s sacrilege to ask this question to certain Christians about Donald Trump. Yet, it’s a question that demands an objective answer from all Christ followers.

Politics is akin to a next-door neighbor’s house, and there are real and devoted Christians on both sides of it. There are points of view that resonate with the Body of Christ on the red side and the blue side, the conservative side and the liberal side.

In this tempestuous political season, there are vocal, proud, and bold “MAGA Christians” and “Evangelicals for Harris.” So, it’s no surprise that both candidates are asking the Church to vote their way. Many will take up their cross to the polls in November and vote either way. That is a decision rooted in personal values and ethics, and 50% of all Christians will agree with you or never invite you over to their Bible Study again.

Despite that polarizing decision, only one candidate is poised to benefit from the majority of Christians. There is a responsibility to respect their vote and faith. Is that happening? Just because someone is vocal against the abhorrent use of abortion as birth control, doesn’t mean that person truly respects the rest of what 220 million Christians in this country believe.

Before we delve into this question, do you want to stay in touch with the faith-based issues that hit close to home? Subscribe to our free newsletter and never miss what’s being said about the Church and what Christians can say back.

Trump: If Jesus Counted the Vote, I Won California

Christians want God to bless America
(Image Credit: Freekpik)

Back in 2020, incumbent presidential candidate Donald Trump vociferously claimed voter fraud when he lost the race to Joe Biden. Although the federal courts did not find legal standing toward his claims, he still says that to whoever will listen.

This time, he said it to Dr. Phil, who interviewed Trump on his haphazard streaming service, Merit TV.

The Republican candidate began by saying, “Democrats play a different game. And you have ballot harvesting, but you also have people getting ballots. I mean, in California, you have people getting seven ballots.”

And then, Trump said this.

If Jesus Christ came down and was the vote counter, I would win California, okay?” Trump said. “In other words, if we had an honest vote counter — a really honest vote counter — I do great with Hispanics, great. I mean at a level no Republican has ever done. But if we had an honest vote counter, I would win California.”

“You think so?” McGraw asked.

“I think so. I do. I see it. I go around California, they have Trump signs all over the place,” Trump told McGraw. “It’s a very dishonest [state] — everything is mail-in. They send out 38 million ballots, I think it is.”

He knows the heart of his election base is made up of church-going and Bible-toting Christians. A relationship with Christ should adhere to all verses of grace and faith in the Bible. That includes ethics (Col. 3:17-23, Eccl. 9:10, Luke 6:31), which is an area most politicians walk a tightrope. Lit on fire. At both ends. During the day.

Isn’t there a line we shouldn’t cross? Before you answer that, we have this…

Christians Know Who Wrote the Bible Again?

The back of a one dollar bill - in god we trust
Our money should remind us what to purchase each time we see a dollar. (Image Credit: Pexels)

Of course, we know the inspiration behind 40 different authors in three different languages was the Holy Spirit. Yet, why doesn’t that reality prevent the many atrocities people perform against the Bible? Blasphemy in entertainment. Sacrilege in music. Evil in writing. And then, we have the random marketing efforts to “brand” God’s Word.

Wait, what?! 

Donald Trump will plaster his surname on anything he can sell. From his buildings to his jet, steaks to booze, casinos to ice water, if it will hold five letters taller than Goliath in Gene Simmons’ platform boots, Donald will find a way for it to say “Trump.”

Good for him. Brand yourself and make that money. But remember that line we shouldn’t cross as Christians?

Donald Trump asks Christians to buy a Holy Bible with his name on it?
So, uh, yeah. (Image Credit:

This guy sold a Bible, the “God Bless the USA Bible.” Next to the red letters of our Savior and large print of the icons in the sacred text, we are provided the authored documents of the Founding Fathers and a “handwritten chorus to ‘God Bless the USA’ by Lee Greenwood.”

That was offered to Christians for $59.99. Yet, if you feel more divinely directed, you can purchase this one for $1,000! Each Bible contains a personal signature from President Donald Trump.

His pen. His signature. In that book! For his trouble and egregious sense of profiting off the Prophets, he made $300,000.

While we wait for many Christians to begin to say something about this, an election is coming and a decision is about to be made. Who will win? We won’t really know until November. Who should win? Only God knows that one for now.

But Christians need to stand up for the entire Bible or just sit down beside it. Jesus drew a line in the sand and the hot air of people on both sides of the fence made that thing disappear. It’s our job to never forget it was there.

You know that line you’re not supposed to cross? Look behind you, Donald. It’s far in your rearview mirror. And Christians of both parties should know the difference.

About Shawn Paul Wood
Shawn Paul Wood, Th.D., is an award-winning copywriter, contributor, and content strategist, and ghostwriter of several faith-based articles, speeches, columns, and books who has worked for some of the most admirable brands in their respective industries for over 20 years. As Founder of Woodworks Communications, with a master’s and doctorate in Theology, he leads teams of content strategists and marketing professionals to expand the brands of corporate leaders, serial entrepreneurs, and respected ministers of the Gospel. Before working with global communications agencies, he was a media relations director and communications executive for noted leaders, such as Abide, D/FW International Airport, UNCF, Mannatech, Christians United for Israel, Avocados from Mexico, U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, Darden, and Bishop T.D. Jakes. He aims to help others develop self-discovery through stories and the written word to proclaim the Word to the world. For more information or help telling your story, visit You can read more about the author here.

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