How to Introduce a Younger Person to Christianity

How to Introduce a Younger Person to Christianity September 15, 2021

Teaching kids about Jesus is a lot like navigating a foreign country. There are no street signs, no traffic lights and nothing but the Holy Spirit guiding the way. How do you go about introducing a young person to Christianity, anyway? 

It seems there’s no easy way to broach the topic. Yet, life presents plenty of opportunities to share your faith. You just have to seize the opportunity whenever it presents itself. 

Whether you want to introduce your daughter, nephew or the kid you nanny to Christ, there are dozens of ways to start the conversation. Here are just a few. 

1. Start a Neighborhood Garden 

Got a green thumb? Start a neighborhood garden and invite your favorite young person to join in on the fun. There are myriad parallels you can draw between gardening and the Christian faith, so you’ll have plenty to talk about while you weed and water. Planting seeds? Tell the parable of the mustard seed from Matthew 17. Reaping a bountiful harvest? Talk about the garden of Eden and how God provided for Adama and Eve. 

You can also teach them about how God has provided for you so you can bless others. Gardening is just one brilliant way to serve others for Christ. Brainstorm a few more ways to donate your time and resources to help others in your community. 

2. Plan a Movie Night 

Pop some popcorn and cozy up for a movie night at home. Let them invite their friends or create a home theater experience for just the two of you. Then, put on a Christian film like The Prince of Egypt or a classic episode of Veggie Tales. 

Some of the most popular flicks are available to stream on Hulu and Netflix and you’ll find many others on Amazon. However, all of them have the potential to inspire kids to explore religion and deepen their faith. Whether they have questions about heaven, classic Bible stories or Jesus’ birth, there’s bound to be a movie that addresses the topic. 

3. Introduce Them to a Hobby You Can Share

If you’re still at a loss as to how to introduce Christianity, try introducing them to a new hobby instead. What kinds of things interest your young friend or relative? If they’re into cars, scale modeling is a fun way to pass the time. Use your time together to impart knowledge and share your faith. Maybe you can tell a few personal stories to communicate how God has changed your life and how you view the world. 

These conversations don’t have to be long or deep to have an impact. You only need to be genuine to spark their curiosity and engage their interest. Of course, building a model kit and playing with cars while you do it doesn’t hurt, either. Just read up on the hobby instead of diving in headfirst. 

4. Go On an Outdoor Adventure

Psalm 19:1 is spot on when it says, “The heavens declare the glory of God.” The earth, sky and nature, in general, are all teeming with God’s creation. They’re evidence of His handiwork, but young people will never experience it if they don’t get off their phones. 

Leave the tech at home and take your favorite young person on an outdoor adventure. Go on a day-long hike or a weekend camping trip to explore nature and get to know God’s creation up close. Remember to plan breaks ahead of time, bring lots of snacks and talk about your faith along the way. 

5. Read a Bible Story Together

When all else fails, read a Bible story together. God’s book is full of awe-inspiring stories, parables and historical accounts that will wow your young person and leave them asking for more. 

Start in Genesis with Adam and Eve or tap into their wild side with Daniel and the lion’s den. Jonah and the Whale, Noah’s ark and David and Goliath are also big hits with kids. Just remember to share the moral of the story and show them where you found it so they know that it’s true and even relatable. When Christmas rolls around, a kid’s Bible could make a great gift. 

Letting Your Testimony Shine

God calls his followers to let their light shine, which means your actions should speak louder than your words. Of course, you should share your testimony with your friends and family. However, if you truly love Christ and strive to live for Him, your life will be enough evidence for those around you. Ultimately, your example will lead the next generation to Christ, so act mindfully and make sure you walk the talk, not just talk the walk.

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