January 12, 2023

The decision to sell a church property can be daunting. You most likely have fond memories of worship, community gatherings and personal connections tied to the church that can make it hard to let go. Sometimes, however, selling the property is the right choice.  Here are eight things to keep in mind when deciding if it’s time to move on. 1. Are Attendance Numbers Down? If it seems like the church is emptier lately, you’re not alone. Many churches are... Read more

January 11, 2023

Some churches have transitioned to offer more online services and events to accommodate people who can’t leave their homes or are immunocompromised. This move can be challenging for organizations that aren’t prepared for it. Working remotely can be difficult for even the most skilled of teams, but there are ways to work together and crush any confusion.  Follow these tips to ease the transition for your team and congregation. 1. Utilize Video Video chat can be one of your best... Read more

January 11, 2023

Sometimes people avoid going to churches because the building makes them uncomfortable or anxious. Outdoor services create new opportunities for stigma-free church attendance. It’s also a fun change of pace for regular attendees, but outdoor sermons require more planning than a typical Sunday morning. Here are some things to consider if your church is holding a lakeside service this year. You’ll have everything you need to host an incredible morning while making everyone comfortable. 1. Provide Some Shade Direct sunshine... Read more

January 9, 2023

Securing funding for a church game room is a great way to provide a space for your youth and other groups to enjoy friendly competition. Now, you just have to design it. Here are 11 tips for creating your new game room. 1. Color  The color of your game room can set its atmosphere. Painting it a stark neutral will make it seem larger, but it can come across as uninviting. On the other hand, bright colors might seem too... Read more

January 9, 2023

Raffles are a great way to raise money at your next church event, but the prize often determines how many people will purchase the tickets. While lottery tickets and alcoholic beverages are generally frowned upon as prizes, there are plenty of fun and creative options for church fundraisers.  Here are 10 ideas for your next raffle. 1. A Getaway Everyone needs a vacation, even if it’s just escaping home for a weekend. Speak to a local resort about securing a... Read more

December 20, 2022

Car washes are one of the go-to fundraising events for many schools, churches and non-profit organizations. They’ll always be in high demand as long as people drive cars. However, the need doesn’t guarantee people will show up. Here are eight points you must cover when planning your church’s car wash to ensure the event’s success. 1. Solidify Your Cause and Goal The first step in organizing any fundraising event is nailing down your “why.” Why do you need to raise... Read more

December 20, 2022

Holding the invitation to your loved one’s baptism, you stare at your packed-to-the-brim closet, thinking for the 16th time that month that you have nothing fitting to wear. How exactly does one dress for a baptism? With all its fashion rules, wedding season is enough to push anyone over the edge, but at least there are guidelines in place. Baptisms truly have no regulations. However, if you’re still concerned about making a fashion faux pas, these tips will help guide... Read more

December 16, 2022

With how divided the world is, everyone can agree there’s a lot of bad news out there. It’s essential to be aware of what’s happening in the world, but the state of things can lead to feelings of hopelessness.  Remember that Jesus brought the ultimate Good News during his time on the planet. Even though he’s left Earth for now, you can still find his light in times of chaos. As Paul recited in Philippians, “If there is any excellence,... Read more

December 16, 2022

Hosting a Christmas festival in your community is a great way to unite people. Celebrating the birth of our Lord and savior is already exciting, but doing it together as a community spreads the faith.  Creating the perfect Christmas festival requires a lot of planning. You can include many things that will make this a memorable moment for everyone. Here are six tips for planning a festive gathering for congregants.  1. Plan the Basics Before you get the ball rolling,... Read more

November 16, 2022

As a pastor, you’ll want to protect every member of your flock. It can be challenging to ensure everyone’s safety while away from your sanctuary – however, you can still anticipate some of the struggles they might encounter and work to mitigate them whenever possible. In 2018, older adults were scammed out of $184 million collectively. Many think that elderly folks are easy targets for scammers, so the best way to protect them is to be aware of the misinformation... Read more

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