Can We Have a Conversation? (The Color of Life)

Can We Have a Conversation? (The Color of Life) February 6, 2019

Well, friends, it’s official: The Color of Life is now out in the world for public consumption. As I told one friend on the phone this morning, in a way, I feel like my job here is done. There’s nothing I can do or say to make you read my book. I can’t fine-tune my words anymore, nor can I offer the world’s coolest giveaway (although this one, I must admit, is pretty high up there).

I did the work. I wrestled with the words. And now, I just get to let it fly. 

But in letting the story fly, I can also hope that my little book sparks concentric circles of conversation – around dinner tables and in book clubs and in church basements alike. I hope that my story (and my family’s story) brings a little bit of hope and healing to a tired, weary world. And I hope that it helps every single one of us enter into talking about the things we need to be talking about that we’re not always talking about!

After all, conversation is perhaps the greatest thing I can hope for with this story, and conversation is the thing I want to invite you into today. 

Interested in learning how to have the conversation? Join me and my brilliant friend, Quanny Ard, for a half hour dialogue this Friday, February 8th at 12 pm Eastern/3 pm Pacific for a Facebook Live event.

Second, join me for a conversational event around issues of justice, privilege and race. I’m teaming up with a host of friends in cities up and down the West Coast and in Jackson, Mississippi; yes, we’ll talk about my book, but we’ll also talk about the things that matter.

We’ll listen to one another. We’ll come to the common table of grace. And yeah, it might even get uncomfortable or messy sometimes, but it might also make us laugh (or weep…) so hard we have to wipe tears from our leaky faucet eyes.  

Check out my website for a full list of events, otherwise, join me in the next couple of months!

So, what do you say?

If it’s “Can we have a conversation?” then count me in. I’m all ears.

And mouth.

And heart.

*Post contains Amazon Affiliate links

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