What Your Life Is Telling You about Who You Are and Why You’re Here
Matthew McKay PhD,
Seán ÓLaoire PhD,
Ralph Metzner PhD
Copyright: May 2013
Publisher: New Harbinger Publications
Summary: Written by psychologist and bestselling author Matthew McKay, charismatic Silicon Valley spiritual leader Seán ÓLaoire, and bestselling author Ralph Metzner, Why? will help you see what your past and present experiences are telling you about the spiritual theme in your life; one that is visible when you know how to read the signs. Your experiences may be that of a Healer/Peacemaker, an Explorer/Scientist, a Warrior/Guardian, an Artist/Designer, a Teacher/Communicator, or a Builder/Organizer. By showing you how to uncover your unique path, this book will help you discover your life’s true meaning.
A Sensible God
Stories and Scriptures of Science and Psychology
by Seán ÓLaoire PhD
Copyright: October 2008
Publisher: Xlibris
Summary: This, the third volume in the series, comes from a Celtic soul, a scientific mind and a poetic heart. It is a book of stories and scriptures, of science and psychology, of theology and wisdom, of poetry and passion. The Big Bang was the sound of God laughing uproariously at the wonder of His latest creation. And since the main difference between fanaticism and passion is a sense of humor, this volume has plenty to make the reader laugh. It comes from the tongue of a story-teller priest who spent his childhood steeped in the mythology of Ireland and another 14 years immersed in the folklore of East Africa.
Souls on Safari
A Guided Tour of Mystical Wisdom
by Seán ÓLaoire PhD
Copyright: April 2006
Publisher: Wheatmark
Summary: This book is a guided tour, a safari, into the mystical wisdom that has undergirded the search of all peoples and all cultures through all time for their birthright, which is nothing less than remembering that all life is God’s ecstatic encore to the Big Bang.
Spirits in Spacesuits
A Manual for Everyday Mystics
by Seán ÓLaoire PhD
Copyright: March 2003
Publisher: Trafford Publishing
Summary: This book is a spiritual guide to the mystical core of the ancient scriptural traditions. It will help its readers cross-fertilize the great spiritual teachings of the East and the West, and, also, let seekers with a Christian background reclaim their own tradition.