December 2, 2016

And what amazes and saddens me most, as a new convert, is how angry some Catholics are about almost everything, but especially Pope Francis. Read more

November 28, 2016

It's like an amuse bouche. Or better yet, you could call it a Whitman sampler of popular saints. Read more

November 18, 2016

I knew that God had made a courageous but dangerous decision. America was going to have to face some very ugly truths. Or die trying. Read more

November 4, 2016

Hopi women, to this day, have an innate sense of purpose and self-worth I feel nowhere else in the world. And I’ve met some powerful women in my time. Read more

October 28, 2016

And that relationship with Jesus that a lot of people don’t think Catholics have? Mine is moving right along. He’s still my BFF. My Boo. My Bae. Read more

October 21, 2016

I had to lose myself first. Carry and die on a whole lot of crosses. Read more

October 14, 2016

For those who require scientific proof of the divine, Tyson’s theory might indeed be the answer. If these time travelers can appear and disappear at will, stopping by to drop some knowledge before flitting off to some other solar system, then Jesus’ death and resurrection might not be a fairy tale ending after all. Read more

October 7, 2016

They danced all the trials and tribulations of being Black in America down that aisle and laid it at Jesus’ bleeding feet. And came back to their seats brand new and ready for next week’s battles. Read more

September 30, 2016

Catholics live in an enchanted world, a world of statues and holy water, stained glass and votive candles, saints and religious medals, rosary beads and holy pictures…hints of a deeper and more pervasive religious sensibility which inclines Catholics to see the Holy lurking in creation. Andrew Greeley Read more

September 23, 2016

Fr. Schmitz goes deep. Way deep. Before you know it, he’s hit you with the history, theology and psychology of it all. Maybe with a little quantum physics thrown in just to make sure you know he means business. Read more

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