The magic of the astrological moment

The magic of the astrological moment September 4, 2023

Astrology is a practice that speaks of time and the inherent symbolism in each moment. Magic is a way of empowering ourselves to create change. By bringing the two together with practices of astrological magic, each moment comes alive with possibilities. Tuning into the astrological moment is a way of moving beyond ourselves, of connecting with a cosmic moment. It reminds us that whilst we are mighty, we are also small. We are part of a creative becoming that is much bigger than we are.

Working with astrology in our magical and spiritual practices is a way of aligning ourselves with that becoming, with the way that becoming is unfolding right now. Working with the planetary hours, for example, is an easy and popular method to time our magic to include the symbolism of the most relevant planet. Planetary hours are an ancient symbolic method giving the 7 traditional planets rulership over each hour of the day. As pagans, we often work with new and full moons and the wheel of the year is a solar cycle. So we are working with cosmic patterns even if we don’t actively use astrology as part of our practice.

an astrological moment
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

The unfolding magic of the natal chart

But astrology has so much more to offer, so many ways to align ourselves with the cosmic. We can work with our personal cycles and our natal charts. The natal chart shows our personal astrological resources and the symbolism we are working with. The planets as they move around the chart show how that symbolism is unfolding right now. By aligning our magical practice with the symbolism of our personal transits, we can align ourselves with the point where our personal pattern meets the universal pattern.

Transits show the current movements of the planets as they influence and connect with our own charts.  The planets tell us where we are in our personal cycle of creative becoming. Working magically with our transits is a way of empowering ourselves, of acknowledging the wider pattern. More than that, it allows us to co-create our place in that pattern. You can look up your transits on sites like or Astro-seek, both of which have an impressive amount of free information.

Planetary magic

Astrological magic tends to work with the seven traditional planets, a documented tradition going back thousands of years. With all this to draw on, the laws of correspondence make astrological magic kind of easy. Whichever planet you want to work with, there are reams of connections of all kinds to help you. Colors, herbs, and even everyday objects can be linked with each planetary energy.

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Say for example that Saturn is moving over your Sun. Astrologically, that might mean that you’re feeling held back in some way, or perhaps that you are challenged to define yourself more clearly. You might be experiencing issues around boundaries. The inner and outer structures in your life might be wobbling or even tumbling down. It’s likely to feel like hard work, or even downright painful. And with Saturn, the only way out is through. The Work demands to be done.

So how can we bring some magic to this astrological moment? Candle magic using the colors of Saturn – grey, brown, or black. Saturn takes time, so a candle spell which unfolds over several days or even longer. Marking the delineations of time on the candle adds another layer of symbolism since Saturn rules chronological time. Perhaps a talisman to carry with us while the transit lasts. Charms for Saturn might be a clock, a ruler, or even a castle. We can add a sun charm. St Johns wort is a herb traditionally associated with both Saturn and the Sun – perfect!

And of course, astrology allows us to be precise in our timing, to choose the most magical moment. Saturday is Saturn’s day and we can also work at the hour of Saturn. We might work during Saturday night, as Saturn’s day moves into the Sun’s day. To make it more personal, we can pay attention to the days and times when Saturn meets the exact natal point of our Sun.

One of my astrology teachers used to say (and still does!) that we must always remember that the planets are deities, and to be treated with respect. As pagans, this is familiar to us, and we can work with planetary deities and mythology in our devotional practices too. Coming back to the example of Saturn, we might seek out crone goddesses like the Cailleach. Then there are archetypes like the wizard or the hermit, as well as Saturn or Cronos himself of course.


About StarLys
StarLys is an astrologer, pagan and tarot reader based in London, England. Qualified as a professional astrologer with the Faculty of Astrological Studies, she now teaches and serves as Director of Studies on the Faculty's world-renowned Diploma course. Having followed a pagan path since her teens, these days she mostly identifies as a Druid. The wheel of the year and the cycles of the planets are her touchstones, along with the nature she explores close to her home. You can read more about the author here.

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