November 7, 2018

Waiting is never easy. Invariably, when I’m in a hurry, I’ll choose the slowest checkout line at the store or get stopped by every traffic light on my way to an appointment.  Patiently waiting throughout everyday life situations can be annoying, but there’s another kind of waiting that, at times, can be just as agonizing ––– waiting on God. Are you currently waiting on God to answer the cries of your heart? Have you ever felt the “weight” of waiting... Read more

November 2, 2018

Leadership involves influence and we all influence others in one way or another. Either for better or for worse. Whether with family, friends, co-workers, or acquaintances, it’s vital we carefully consider our sphere of influence and the type of influence we have on them. So, “Are you a leader worth following?” John Maxwell says, “The most important ingredient of leadership is integrity.” Integrity is the quality of being honest, of having strong moral principles. It’s an essential ingredient if we’re going... Read more

October 31, 2018

The practice of and fight for religious beliefs are central themes throughout world history and in the Bible. The Bible records the lengthy history of Israel’s opposition and fickle love towards God. The Israelites single-handedly created their own battles with God and their history was primarily based on their continual fascination and draw to paganism and idolatry, which they displayed openly before God. God sent his prophets to speak to them, but they only ridiculed them and continued their pursuit... Read more

October 29, 2018

We all get discouraged. At one time or another — over one thing or another. Discouragement seeks to continually assault our plans, our purposes, and our pursuits. We get discouraged in our workplaces, our homes, with our co-workers, friends, loved ones, and acquaintances. By attacking our thoughts with a barrage of negative messages, Satan seeks to steal, kill, and destroy the relationships we have and the hopes and dreams God places on our hearts. One moment we are inspired, enthusiastic,... Read more

October 26, 2018

Has God placed a dream in your heart? Is He asking you to do something you believe is beyond your natural ability –– outside of your comfort zone? Dreaming focuses on the future, it sees beyond our current circumstances and abilities and looks toward the possibilities of what could be. God gives us dreams and desires at all stages and ages of life. They are often an integral part of the direction our lives ultimately take. At times, people discourage... Read more

October 24, 2018

I started thinking about joy versus happiness. I pondered “joy” because some of my circumstances were not making me feel very happy. That’s when I realized I was confusing happiness and joy. I can be happy and not be joyful. I can be joyful and not be happy. Happiness is external, it’s temporary. Happiness is what HAPPENS to us. Whether it’s our favorite specialty coffee, a wonderful vacation, your child’s good report card or a fun dinner with your girlfriends. Happiness comes from the good things... Read more

October 22, 2018

  Do you lead a busy life? Going here — going there – having little or no time for added opportunities or responsibilities? Or, are you in a season of life where you’re ready for a new adventure, an opportunity to do things you’ve never done before and go places you’ve never been before? As I write this devotion, I’m sitting on a plane headed to South Asia — a place I’ve been called to, a region I’m honored and... Read more

October 19, 2018

When you’ve learned something you are excited about — you talk about it. When you discover a better way of doing things — you show others. And when you experience a life change — you can’t wait to share it with others in hopes they will experience a life change too. So, how often are you sharing the life-saving, life-changing gospel of Christ with others? Our primary biblical command in Matthew 28:19 is to go and make disciples of all... Read more

October 17, 2018

Even under ideal conditions, climbing a mountain like Mount Everest is an act of near madness. Standing on top of the peak is like stopping a passenger jet in mid-flight and climbing out onto the wing. The altitude, the below zero temperatures and most concerning, the lung destroyer- which produces a confusing atmosphere caused by ultra-thin air. In May 1996, it was clear to anyone listening to the Mount Everett radio traffic, that climber Rob Hall had decided to give... Read more

October 15, 2018

Do you believe you can have a personal relationship with the creator of our world? Do you accept that God wants to talk with you and wants you to talk with Him? Do you wonder — How do I talk to God? How do I know He’s listening? How do I recognize His voice? And why does it always seem there’s someone or something keeping me from talking to Him? Here’s what I’ve learned throughout my spiritual life journey with God — How... Read more

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