November 30, 2018

As Christians, we sometimes promote forgiveness without consequences and generosity without responsibility, and we often downplay the importance of boundaries. When in reality, boundaries in our lives and relationships are a vital component of our spiritual, emotional, relational, and physical health — and of the overall health of others as well. A boundary is a personal property line. I like to think of it as my personal picket fence — one that protects my personal space. It is approachable but... Read more

November 28, 2018

Plan A was the plan my mom put her entire godly faith in, plan B was never really discussed- except one time. She laid on the couch fighting advanced breast cancer that had morphed into bone cancer when my mom talked about plan B. We talked about many things- she was also my friend. I asked my mom if God choose not to heal her and when she got to heaven, to please tell our son how much we love... Read more

November 26, 2018

How often do you stop to think about the many blessings you have? Having just celebrated Thanksgiving, I am more aware than ever just how thankful I am for my relationship with Christ, my family and the many blessings God provides me. Even when life doesn’t go as planned, or I experience loss, rejection, failure or set-backs, there are always aspects of life I can choose to focus on and be thankful for Let me encourage you to continue to... Read more

November 23, 2018

  Over the past few years, I’ve begun to analyze lingering un-forgiveness, insecurities, fears, and distorted beliefs I’ve clung to most of my life. In the process, I’ve discovered most have been a direct result of painful experiences from my past. I began identifying the roots of my issues and started making necessary repairs. Today, I am no longer bound to the bitterness and triggers and issues my past pain left behind. Today, I’m better prepared to embrace forgiveness more... Read more

November 21, 2018

We’re all familiar with the children’s song “Jesus loves me, this I know”. It was sung to me as a child and I sang it to my sons. The proof of His limitless love for us was demonstrated through His death on the cross. And, the power of His prevailing love for us was exhibited when He rose from the grave to defeat death once and for all. Last week, I read a bumper sticker that said, “Jesus Knows Me... Read more

November 19, 2018

What is God challenging you to do that you need more courage to accomplish? Do you sometimes wonder if God can really use you? If you’re capable of doing the things you sense He’s calling you to do? If so, you’re not alone. We all feel that way at times. And, if you feel that way now — you’ve just reached a level of humility that allows God to do great things in and through you. You have also reached... Read more

November 16, 2018

I’ve often heard it said, “Hurt people – hurt people,” and I have to say, most often, this is the case. One of the hardest things to do is to extend grace, compassion, and loving kindness toward people who have hurt us. Actually, we often hope even God will also withhold His grace, compassion, and loving kindness toward others who have offended us in some way. Have you experienced this emotion recently, or are you feeling this way now? In... Read more

November 14, 2018

God is a big picture God and He’s equally detailed too. Why should this matter? Because for us to see the bigger story in our lives, we need understand the bigger picture and the bigger purposes of God in our lives. Time frames our lives, and the images we live out on our life’s canvas will reflect one of two things when we come to the end of our lives here on earth; Christ’s image or our own self-portrait. God... Read more

November 12, 2018

Have you ever asked these questions of God? Are you asking them now? We’ve heard it said, we’re either going through a life storm, coming out of one, or getting ready to go into one. It’s so true. Life can be tough at times. Some storms we face are merely thunder and lightning that frighten us and shake us up a bit. Others have the ability to knock us off our feet, toss us to-and-fro, and sometimes even throw us... Read more

November 9, 2018

For years I allowed hurt and fear to keep me from pursuing the life God was urging me to embrace. I let emotional baggage paralyze me and prevent me from going after healthy life choices and opportunities that were right within my reach. Emotional baggage can be paralyzing. It is often passed down from generation to generation. If we allow it to, it can continue to infect our families and loved ones for generations to come. Is there something in... Read more

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