August 7, 2013

Remaining in Ramadan after Ramadan….after Day 29, this has been on my mind since 2010 Ramadan activates one’s sincerity, subsequently while preserving oneself with patience. Fasting enriches our piety, intensifying our spiritual parts for acts of goodness. Fasting, a grateful reminder for what we have and a guidance to strive righteously for a better life. We are in the midst of forming 1 Muslim Narrative and Culture here in the United States, as ambassadors of good will. “It is So... Read more

July 16, 2013

We break your regular programming for this brief conscious break….  The urban community is being attacked through suggestive language that is manipulating mentals around the world. The clash of historical influences are at odds. One side is justifying their decision making and re-enforcing their so-called historical authoritarian beliefs. The other side is tired and frustrated of issuing out Trust in Hope of a valuable return on investment for justice, consequently surviving a tormented history. This conscious break narrated by Martin... Read more

July 10, 2013

Remember Natasha Harling, 15 year old urban youth, shot and killed by a store owner. The store owner, Soon Ja Du; was only fined, given probation and community service for killing Natasha. 15 days after the shooting and killing of Natasha, we witnessed the video beaten of Rodney King, by Los Angeles Police officers; who were first acquitted of the crime caught-on-video. What seem to be an open and close case, sparked April 29th. I was then was then working... Read more

June 17, 2013

Being raised in Inner-City America is more of a gift, rather than a curse as most think. Its abrasive and agitating culture contains, insightful mental elements for successful personal growth; and/or can cause stagnation and destruction (your choice). Since African Americans appointment with slavery, our urban culture has always made lemonade from the given lemon. As now stands forth “Baseerah,” a consultancy originated out of urban life and its culture. An agency of enhancing one’s emotional quality, “to have vision.”... Read more

May 30, 2013

“Every Thursday” will feature people of creativity and/or ideas of leadership throughout their work. Today‘s blog-ver-sa-tion is a simple quote, for positive thinking. Look straight forward, be respectful and have humility throughout your days. Let the Creator reveal your next steps. Speak little and listen mostly. Utilize intellect, love and mercy. “Intellect is your super power.”  Every Thursday, to have vision… #createavoice  Share us and thank you! Read more

May 29, 2013

History is researched for awareness. The knowledge of a person or group’s presence and their narrative revives intelligence. Information reviving imagination, which could revive a society’s faithful spiritual consciousness. The restoration of society’s spirituality, vitally needs resurrection. “We are spiritual beings, having a human experience.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Have we forgotten our timeline on Earth, has been written for a meaningful purpose. “Intelligence is the human being super power” An ability used for good will restore dignity – a... Read more

May 26, 2013

There is a pain some of us carry, who grew up without the guidance of their fathers. A Desire young men to have a father, will always desire. A desire he wishes for no other male to encounter, feel or have to embrace. In company of this desire, is another feeling; a feeling to Succeed and Triumph over Failure. A dark hidden emotion becomes a driving Force to conquer all the anguished feelings, the impoverish emotions, igniting a Hope to... Read more

May 23, 2013

“Every Thursday” will feature people of creativity and/or ideas of leadership throughout their work. Life brings its’ trials, guiding a person to rethink life for a positive change. Embarking on a journey into new realms of creativity, new territories and embracing wonderful people – where is it all leading? This “Draw My Life” featuring Amena. Watch Amena’s illustration and listen to a narrative, on how perseverance shaped her life, by simply seeking balance. Interesting to see how “Diamonds are Born... Read more

May 22, 2013

Have you ever wondered, what is the story associated with someone who’s homeless? Many times we encounter different stories, and it is full of sincerity and a heart moving narrative. Thinking of ways to campaign for Humanitarian Day. We were inbox’d this video of Ronald Davis, explaining his difficulties of being homeless and how he maintains his Dignity, Watch his story and please Help someone. #pray4Oklahoma   dig·ni·ty /ˈdignitē/ noun “The state or quality of being worthy of honor or... Read more

May 21, 2013

In this video, talk show Bill Maher as mentioned was “shredded by Glenn Greenwald in conversation about U.S. involvement in the Middle East. Greenwald delivered his views on the show and Maher’s face held the expression “Is That Right…on my show!” Watch the Greenwald Effect, How to Debunk a Talk Show Host 101.   Blog-ver-sa-tions to make you say, “Is That Right!” through humor and/or real situations of social life and more. @WhoopWoop Follow us on Twitter, Share us and... Read more

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