Dec. 22: Divine Inspiration

Dec. 22: Divine Inspiration December 22, 2012

George Frederick Handel lived to see his oratorio, The Messiah, become a cherished tradition.  First performed in Ireland in 1742, the work achieved fame eight years later in London.

Few people realize, though, that this masterpiece was composed by Handel in 21 days during a desperate frenzy of inspiration.  Hounded by creditors, he struggled against failing eyesight to finish what he felt would be his greatest work.

The composer’s own suffering gave vibrancy and depth to the Messiah’s theme: “Come unto me all ye that labor, and I will give you rest.”

We admire artists and perhaps stand in awe of them because their efforts achieve a kind of immortality.  But our deeds too can vibrate into eternity if they are motivated by love for God and people.

The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign forever and ever.  (Revelation 11:15)

Turn my challenges and hardships into a means of praising You, Lord Jesus.

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