Jan. 1: The Road Not Taken

Jan. 1: The Road Not Taken January 1, 2013

In 2008, high school basketball phenomenon Elena Delle Donne started attending the University of Connecticut, a decision that would likely have launched her sports career into the stratosphere because of the school’s reputation.  Two days later, she moved back to her home state to attend the University of Delaware which was 20 minutes from her family’s home.

Her step back from quick personal success surprised many.  But Delle Donne wasn’t concerned with ‘personal’ success.  It was her sister, Lizzie, who was born deaf, blind and with cerebral palsy, that she cared about most.

Delle Donne told ABC News, “She knows me by my smell and my feel.  Physical contact is the only thing she knows.  So when I did leave, I lost Lizzie.”

Separation from the sister she loved was too much to bear, so Delle Donne is now playing basketball for the University of Delaware.  Her career path may be slowed somewhat, but the blessing of being near her biggest fan makes it worth the wait.

Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

(Matthew 6:21)

Remind me that love is the key to seeing You, Lord.

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